[om-a] [Ann] 3 JOBS AT SAARBR"UCKEN, please distribute

Michael Kohlhase kohlhase at ags.uni-sb.de
Tue Dec 21 12:15:54 CET 1999

[We apologize, if you receive multiple copies of this]

                         Three Open Positions

                          Researcher at the
 German National Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) 


			Scientific Assistants
    	                at the University of 

a) For the research project "Interactive Textbook" (VIL) funded by the BMBF
   (The German Ministry for Education and Research) we seek applications
   for an open researcher position at the German National Research Centre
   for Artificial Intelligence, http://www.dfki.de/). For a more detailed
   description see below (VIL position).

b) Within the research project "OMEGA: A mathematical Assistant System"
   funded by DFG (Deusche Forschungsgemeinschaft, the German analogue of
   the NSF) within the Corporate Research Center SFB-378 "Resource-Adaptive
   Cognitive Processes" we seek applications for open positions as
   Scientific Assistant.  For a more detailed description see below (LIMA
   and MBASE positions).

OMEGA is a mixed-initiative system with the ultimate purpose of supporting
theorem proving in main-stream mathematics and mathematics education. The
current system is an integrated, distributed collection of tools for
interactive theorem proving, automated proof planning, proof presentation,
and storing mathematical knowledge.  The project home pages are

VIL is a new project that is designed to apply AI-techniques such as proof
planning, distributed systems, web communication, user modelling, and
user-adaptive interfaces to an education system for mathematics.  VIL has
its basis in and is tightly connected with the OMEGA project.

We offer

 - an innovative research project,
 - a highly motivated and cooperative team of about ten researchers 
   working on the system,
 - a stimulating and well equipped working environment, with intimate
   connections between the DFKI (German Research Center for Artificial 
   Intelligence) and the university research teams,
 - the possibility to work on a related PhD thesis.

Applications are invited from suitably qualified applicants who

 - have completed an above average Master's Degree in computer science,
   mathematics, cognitive science, or equivalent,
 - enjoy teamwork and have a taste for interdisciplinary work
 - are committed to success-oriented work

Applications including a list of publications and a curriculum vitae should
be forwarded to:

Prof.Dr. J"org Siekmann
Universitat des Saarlandes / DFKI
D-66041 Saarbr"ucken

E-mail submission to <melis at cs.uni-sb.de> or <kohlhase at cs.uni-sb.de>
respectively is preferred.

Priority will be given to applications received by February 1st. 2000

Position (VIL)

The applicant is expected to work on theoretical and practical aspects of
mixed-initiative systems, user-adaptive learning systems, and student
modelling within a maths education system. Applicants for this position

 - have experience in formal reasoning, maths education systems,
   user-adaptive systems, and/or student modelling

The position is available starting February 1. 2000 and will be for a
period of one year with the option of further extension.  Payment amounts
to an annual salary of approximately 78 000.- DM before tax.

Please, do not hesitate to contact
           Erica Melis <melis at cs.uni-sb.de>

for further information.


Position (LIMA) 

The applicant is expected to work on theoretical and practical aspects of
automatically understanding mathematical texts and translating them into
proof plans. Applicants for this position should

 - have experience in formal reasoning and/or natural language understanding, 

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Position (MBASE)

The applicant is expected to work on theoretical and practical aspects of
formalizing mathematics, building a mathematical data base, and web
communication with mathematical content. Applicants for this position

 - have experience in formal reasoning, automated deduction, data bases, or
   web tools,

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Both position are available starting January 1. 2000 and will be for a period
of two years with the option of an additional year.  Payment for will be
according to BAT2a on the German scale for federal employees.

BAT2a amounts to an annual salary of 56 000.- to 86 000.- DM before tax
strongly depending on age and family status. 

Please, do not hesitate to contact
           Michael Kohlhase <kohlhase at cs.uni-sb.de>

for further information.

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