[om-a] CADE-17 Second Call for Workshops and Tutorials

Michael Kohlhase kohlhase at ags.uni-sb.de
Thu Nov 11 08:44:08 CET 1999

   [Apologies to all that receive this call more than once]


 The  17th  International  Conference  on  Automated  Deduction

                         June 17-20, 2000
                   Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA


                         June 16. and 21. 2000

CADE is the major forum for the presentation of new research in all aspects
of automated deduction. Proposals for workshops and for tutorials are
solicited.  Tutorials will run June 16. and workshops also on June 21.
Workshops will ordinarily run a whole day, and tutorials for half a day.

Workshop Topics

Recent CADE workshops have included term schematizations and their
applications, reasoning, automation of proofs by induction, empirical studies
in logic algorithms, mechanization of partial functions, proof search in
type-theoretic languages, automated model building, evaluation of automated
theorem-proving systems, strategies in automated deduction, automated theorem
proving in software engineering and in mathematics, integration of symbolic
computation and deduction.

Workshops may have the same topic as those of previous workshops, and this
practice is encouraged.

Tutorial Topics

Recent CADE tutorials have included equality reasoning in semantic tableaux,
proof systems for nonmonotonic logics, rewrite techniques in theorem proving,
proof planning, parallelization of deduction strategies, resolution decision
methods, constructive type theory, the use of semantics in Herbrand-based
proof procedures, logical frameworks, theorem proving by the inverse method,
deduction methods based on boolean rings, higher-order equational logic, and
term indexing in automated reasoning.

Tutorials may be introductory, intermediate, or advanced.


Anyone wishing to organize a workshop or tutorial in conjunction with CADE-17
should send (e-mail preferred) a proposal no longer than two pages to the
workshop chair by November 30, 1999.  The proposal should describe the topic
of the proposed workshop or tutorial and explain why the topic is relevant to
CADE. Proposals will be evaluated, and decisions will be communicated by
December 15. 1999.  Further information about the arrangements for workshops
and tutorials can be obtained from the CADE-17 Web site.

Proposal deadline:            November 30, 1999
Notification of acceptance:   December 15, 1999
Workshop paper deadline:      April    1,  2000
Workshop paper notification:  May      1,  2000

 PROGRAM CHAIR:          Conference Chair:             WORKSHOP CHAIR: 

 David McAllester        Frank Pfenning                Michael Kohlhase 
 AT&T Labs-Research      Carnegie Mellon University    Universit"at des Saarlandes 
 dmac at research.att.com   fp+ at cs.cmu.edu                kohlhase at cs.uni-sb.de
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