[om-a] [traverso@traverso.homelinux.org: assegni]

Carlo Traverso traverso at dm.unipi.it
Mon Oct 7 10:40:44 CEST 2002

(apologies for multiple posting)

The Dipartimento di Matematica of Pisa offers two RESEARCH POSITIONS
for POST-GRADUATE or ADVANCED GRADUATE students, (Assegni di Ricerca)
in the frame of the project "Commutative and Computational
Algebra". See http://www.dm.unipi.it/~traverso/PIN-01/

The candidates are expected to cooperate to the programme of the unit
of Pisa, that includes the extension and maintenance of the software
produced in this framework. The main topics of interest, as stated in
the proposal, are:

I. Managing concrete knowledge in Commutative Algebra.

II. Optimization of the algorithms to compute Groebner Bases and the
search of solutions of polynomial systems: interaction between
algebraic and numeric algorithms, hybrid algorithms.

III. Applications of Groebner Bases: ECC, cryptography, semi-algebraic
geometry, automated deduction, controlling hybrid systems, CAGD. 

The positions are for two years, starting december 2002-january 2003,
and are paid approximately 1000 Euro (tax-exempt) per month.

The official applications have to be filed before October 31, the
official announcement will appear in the University board
and is anyway available in  http://www.dm.unipi.it/~traverso/PIN-01/

Please include in the curriculum that you have to join to the
applications an outline of how you are planning to coordinate your
research with the activity of the team.

For further informations, email to traverso at dm.unipi.it.

Carlo Traverso

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