[om-a] OpenMath Thematic Network Meeting: 7/9 November in Bremen

Michael Kohlhase m.kohlhase at iu-bremen.de
Thu Sep 18 10:56:16 CEST 2003

     OpenMath Thematic Network Meeting: Bremen 2003
            School of Engineering and Sciences
             International University Bremen
                 November 7-8, 2003

The OpenMath Thematic Network will hold an open meeting in Bremen on 
Friday and Saturday November 7/8 2003.

PROGRAM: Please contact <m.kohlhase at iu-bremen.de> with proposals for 		 
  talks and discussions.

LOCAL:   The meeting will be held on the university campus. 
Participants 	 can stay in the Student dorms (single rooms); the meeting 
will 		 cost less than 100 Euros including accomodation, full board, 		 
  ...  (everything included) for this option.

INFO:	 see http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~kohlhase/event/om3 (will be updated)	
I hope to see you soon in Bremen,

Michael Kohlhase

    Prof. Dr. Michael Kohlhase,         Office: Research 1, Room 62
    Professor for Computer Science      Campus Ring 12,
    School of Engineering & Sciences    D-28758 Bremen, Germany
    International University Bremen     tel/fax: +49 421 200 3140/3103
    http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~kohlhase     e-mail: 
<m.kohlhase at iu-bremen.de>
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