[om-a] PDPAR'04 deadline extended

Cesare Tinelli tinelli at cs.uiowa.edu
Tue Apr 6 06:56:47 CEST 2004

(with apologies for cross posting)



                            IJCAR'04 Workshop

                           Second Workshop on
            Pragmatics of Decision Procedures in Automated Reasoning

                         University College Cork
                       Cork, County Cork, Ireland
                              July 5, 2004

                       CALL FOR EXTENDED ABSTRACTS


This workshop has two main goals.
  - The first is to bring together people interested in the pragmatical
    aspects of decision procedures in automated reasoning, giving them
    a forum for presenting and discussing implementation and evaluation
  - The second is to provide a discussion forum for the SMT-LIB
    initiative (see http://combination.cs.uiowa.edu/smtlib/).
    The workshop will host a panel session aimed at discussing the
    SMT-LIB common format and the other organisational aspects of
    handling the library.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to)

    * algorithms and data structures to implement decision procedures,
    * techniques for the rapid prototyping of decision procedures,
    * techniques to implement combination or incorporation schemes,
    * benchmarks to evaluate and/or to compare decision procedures,
    * methodologies to test decision procedures,
    * the role of decision procedures in real-world verification efforts,
    * techniques for promoting the re-use and the exchange of code
      implementing decision procedures, combination and integration
      schemes, and so on.


Extended abstracts addressing the pragmatical aspects of decision
procedures are solicited. Submission instructions can be found at
PDPAR'04 web site.


Joint registration with the IJCAR 2004 conference is possible but is
not required.  Refer to the IJCAR 2004 web site for registration
instructions and deadlines.

Invited Speakers


Program Committee

  * Silvio Ranise (LORIA & INRIA-Lorraine, France)   [Co-chair]
  * Cesare Tinelli (University of Iowa, USA)         [Co-chair]

  * Alessandro Armando (University of Genova, Italy)
  * Clark Barrett (New York University, USA)
  * Harald Ruess (SRI, USA)
  * Ofer Strichman (Technion University, Israel)
  * Aaron Stump (Washington University, USA)

Important Dates
April 15, 2003 Submissions of extended abstracts (extended)
   May 12, 2003 Notification of acceptance
   June 4, 2003 Final versions due
   July 5, 2003 Worskhop

More Information

See http://www.loria.fr/~ranise/pdpar04/ for PDPAR'04,
http://4c.ucc.ie/ijcar/ for IJCAR 2004, and
http://combination.cs.uiowa.edu/smtlib for SMT-LIB.
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