[Om-announce] LPAR 2006, 2nd Call For Papers

Miki Hermann Miki.Hermann at lix.polytechnique.fr
Sun Mar 5 13:12:00 CET 2006

		     [Apologies for crossposting]

LPAR-13                                               Phnom Penh, Cambodia
http://www.lix.polytechnique.fr/~hermann/LPAR2006/ 13th-17th November 2006

			 2nd Call For Papers

The 13th  International  Conference  on Logic  for   Programming Artificial
Intelligence and Reasoning (LPAR-13) will  be held 13th-17th November 2006,
at the  Hotel Cambodiana, Phnom Penh,  Cambodia.  Submission of  papers for
presentation at the conference is now invited. Topics of interest include:

+ automated reasoning                  + propositional reasoning
+ interactive theorem proving          + description logics
+ software verification		       + hardware verification
+ software testing		       + logic and ontologies
+ proof assistants                     + network and protocol verification
+ proof planning                       + nonmonotonic reasoning
+ proof checking                       + constructive logic and type theory
+ rewriting and unification            + lambda and combinatory calculi
+ logic programming		       + knowledge representation and reasoning
+ modal and temporal logics	       + constraint programming
+ systems specification and synthesis  + logical foundations of programming
+ model checking                       + computational interpretations of logic
+ proof-carrying code                  + logic and computational complexity
+ logic and databases                  + logic in artificial intelligence
+ reasoning for the semantic web       + reasoning about actions

Full  and  short papers are  welcome.  Full  papers   may be either regular
papers  containing    new  results,   or   experimental  papers  describing
implementations or evaluations of systems.   Short papers may describe work
in progress  or provide  system  descriptions.   Submitted  papers must  be
original,  and   not   submitted concurrently   to  a   journal  or another

The full paper proceedings of LPAR-13 will be published by  Springer-Verlag
in the  LNAI series.  Authors of accepted full  papers will be  required to 
sign a form transferring copyright of their contribution to Springer-Verlag.
The short paper proceedings of LPAR-13 will be published by the conference.

Program Committee

María Alpuente          Technical University of Valencia
Franz Baader            Technische Universität Dresden
Matthias Baaz           Vienna University of Technology
Christoph Benzmüller    Universität des Saarlandes
Koen Claessen           Chalmers University of Technology
Javier Esparza          University of Stuttgart
Berndt Fischer          NASA Ames Research Center
Jürgen Giesl            RWTH Aachen
Jean Goubault-Larrecq   ENS Cachan
Erich Grädel            Aachen University of Technology
Ziyad Hanna             Intel
Pascal van Hentenryck   Brown University
Miki Hermann            CNRS and École Polytechnique
Brahim Hnich            University College Cork
Ian Horrocks,		 University of Manchester
Viktor Kuncak           MIT
Orna Kupferman          Hebrew University
Christopher Lynch       Clarkson University
Dale Miller             INRIA Futurs and École Polytechnique
George Necula           UC Berkeley
Joachim Niehren         LIFL and INRIA Futurs
Luke Ong                Oxford University
Catuscia Palamidessi    LIX and INRIA Futurs
Michel Parigot          PPS and CNRS
Frank Pfenning          Carnegie Mellon University
Reinhard Pichler        Vienna University of Technology
Michael Rusinowitch     LORIA and INRIA-Lorraine
Mooly Sagiv             Tel-Aviv University
Gernot Salzer           Vienna University of Technology
Christelle Scharff      Pace University
Sopheap Seng            ITC Phnom Penh
Geoff Sutcliffe         University of Miami
Sophie Tison            LIFL and Université de Lille
Margus Veanes           Microsoft Research
Andrei Voronkov         University of Manchester

Submission Instructions
Papers must be prepared  using the Springer-Verlag instructions for authors
(http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html).  Papers may  be  up to  15
pages.  If proofs do  not fit in 15 pages,  an appendix with  proofs may be
added. Short papers may be up to 5 pages. Papers must be submitted in plain 
postscript or PDF format, through the online submission system 

Dates and Deadlines:
+ Submission of full paper abstracts           2nd May
+ Submission of full papers                    9th May
+ Notification of acceptance of full papers   10th July
+ Camera ready versions of full papers due     5th September
+ Submission of short papers                  28th August
+ Notification of acceptance of short papers  11th September
+ Camera ready versions of short papers due   25th September

Questions related to submission may be sent to the program chairs, Miki
Hermann and Andrei Voronkov.

		Cambodia ... Land of LPAR and Pagodas

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