[Om-announce] LASER Summer School 2011: Tools for Practical Software Verification

Nadia Polikarpova Nadia.Polikarpova at inf.ethz.ch
Tue Dec 14 17:09:57 CET 2010

LASER Summer School on Software Engineering

Tools for Practical Software Verification
September 4-10, 2011 - Elba Island, Italy


Application deadline: April 1st, 2011


The LASER summer school, organized by the ETH Chair of Software 
Engineering, brings together the concepts and practice of software 
engineering in the idyllic setting of the Elba Island off the coast of 
Tuscany, easily reachable by air, car, bus or train.

The LASER school is intended for professionals from the industry 
(engineers and managers) as well as university researchers, including 
PhD students. Participants learn about the most important software 
technology advances from the pioneers in the field. The school's focus 
is applied, although theory is welcome to establish solid foundations. 
The format of the school favors extensive interaction between 
participants and speakers.

Topic and speakers

LASER 2011 is devoted to software verification tools. There have been 
great advances in the field of software verification in recent years. 
Today verification tools are being increasingly used not only by 
researchers, but by programming practitioners. The summer school will 
focus on several of the most prominent and practical of such tools from 
different areas of software verification (such as formal proofs, testing 
and model checking). During the school the participants will not only 
learn the principles behind the tools, but also get hands-on experience, 
trying the tools on real programs.

The speakers are among the most respected experts in the field:

- Edmund Clarke, Carnegie Mellon (involved in the development of SMV and 
CBMC model checkers);
- Patrick Cousot, Ecole normale superieure (ASTREE and THESEE static 
analysis tools);
- Patrice Godefroid, Microsoft Research (VeriSoft model checker, DART 
and SAGE testing tools);
- Rustan Leino, Microsoft Research (Boogie, Spec#, Dafny and Chalice 
program verifiers);
- Bertrand Meyer, ETH Zurich, organizer (AutoTest tool, Eiffel 
Verification Environment);
- Cesar Munoz*, NASA Langley Research Center (PVS specification and 
verification system);
- Christine Paulin, Universite Paris-Sud (Coq proof assistant);
- Andrei Voronkov, University of Manchester (Vampire theorem prover).

(* - to be confirmed)

How to apply?

Use the online registration form available on the LASER website 
http://laser.inf.ethz.ch/2011. Registration is open until April 1st, 
2011. The number of participants is strictly limited to ensure quality 
interaction with the lecturers and the rest of the audience. For more 
information, visit our website or contact the organizers: se-laser at 


The school takes place at the magnificent Hotel del Golfo 
(http://www.hoteldelgolfo.it/) in Golfo di Procchio, Elba. Along with an 
intensive scientific program, participants will have time to enjoy the 
natural and cultural riches of this history-laden jewel of the 

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