[Om-announce] AISC'10 - Call for Participation

Serge Autexier serge.autexier at dfki.de
Sat Jun 12 14:02:32 CEST 2010

[We apologise if you receive multiple copies]

	     AISC 2010 - 10th International Conference on 
	    CNAM, Paris, France, July 5th - July 6th, 2010

as part of CICM 2010 - Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics
Artificial  Intelligence and  Symbolic Computation  are two  views and
approaches for automating  problem solving, in particular mathematical
problem solving, and  AISC is the conference on  all topics related to
applying  Artificial  Intelligence   to  Symbolic  Computation  or  to
applying Symbolic Computation to Artificial Intelligence.  This year's
AISC conference will consist of presentations of high-quality original
research papers, short presentations and invited talks.

As part of the Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics it will
be co-located with  the 17th Symposium on the  Integration of Symbolic
Computation  and  Mechanised   Reasoning  (Calculemus  2010)  and  9th
International  Conference on  Mathematical  Knowledge Management  (MKM
2010), and  a number of workshops  and a doctoral  programme. For more
information see http://cicm2010.cnam.fr/

Registration to the conference is now open and online at 


Registration includes  one hard-copy of the  Springer LNAI proceedings
of  the  CICM  conferences   and  one  social  event.  Information  on
accommodation and  travelling is also  available on the CICM  2010 web

For further information: aisc2010_0 at easychair.org
* AISC 2010 - Scientific Programme

Invited Talks:
- The Challenges of Multivalued "Functions"
  James Davenport
- The Dynamic Dictionary of Mathematical Functions
  Bruno Salvy

Keynote Talk: 
- A Revisited Perspective on Symbolic Mathematical Computing and 
  Artificial Intelligence
  Jacques Calmet, John Campbell

Research papers and short presentations:
- I-terms in ordered resolution and superposition calculi: retrieving 
  lost completeness
  Hicham Bensaid, Ricardo Caferra and Nicolas Peltier
- Structured Formal Development with Quotient Types in Isabelle/HOL
  Maksym Bortin and Christoph Lueth
- Instantiation of SMT problems modulo Integers
  Mnacho Echenim and Nicolas Peltier
- On Krawtchouk Transforms
  Philip Feinsilver and Rene Schott
- A mathematical model of the competition between acquired immunity 
  and virus
  Mikhail Kolev
- Some Notes upon "When does <T> equal sat(T)?"
  Yongbin Li
- How to correctly prune tropical trees
  Jean-Vincent Loddo and Luca Saiu   
- From matrix interpretations over the rationals to matrix interpretations 
  over the naturals
  Salvador Lucas
- Efficiency of Automating Problem Solving in Martin-Loef's Type Theory 
  (short presentation)
  Gohar Marikyan
- Automated Reasoning and Presentation Support for Formalizing 
  Mathematics in Mizar
  Josef Urban and Geoff Sutcliffe
* Co-Located Events

- 17th Symposium on the Integration of Symbolic Computation and 
  Mechanised Reasoning (Calculemus 2010) 
- 9th International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge 
  Management (MKM 2010)       
- 3rd Workshop on Compact Computer Algebra (CCA)  	
- 3rd Workshop, Towards a Digital Mathematics Library (DML)
- 6th Workshop on Mathematical User-Interfaces (MathUI)
- Workshop on Mathematically Intelligent Proof Search (MIPS)
- 23rd Workshop on OpenMath (OpenMath)
- 4th Workshop on Programming Languages for Mechanized 
  Mathematics Systems (PLMMS)
- Content Math Training Camp with Doctoral Programme (CMTC+DP) 
* Social Events:
- Conference reception with Wine & Cheese buffet
- Conference Banquet at the "Cafe des Techniques" at the CNAM Museum

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