[Om-announce] FTP 2011 - DEADLINE EXTENSION

martingi at ifi.uio.no martingi at ifi.uio.no
Tue May 3 21:24:00 CEST 2011

[Please post -- With apologies for multiple copies!]

                 FTP 2011 - Final Call for Papers                          

      International Workshop on First-Order Theorem Proving    
      (Bern, Switzerland, July 4, 2011)

The Eighth International Workshop on First-Order Theorem Proving
will take place in Bern, Switzerland on July 4, 2011, co-locating with
The 20th International Conference on Automated Reasoning with Analytic
Tableaux and Related Methods (Tableaux 2011) on July 4-8, 2011.

   The series of FTP workshops focusses on all aspects of theorem
   proving in first-order logic. It aims to be a forum for the
   presentation of original work, and for the discussion of work in

   Relevant topics for the workshop include (but are not limited to)

   * theorem proving in first-order classical, many-valued, and modal
     logics, including:
     - satisfiability in propositional logic,
     - satisfiability modulo theories,
     - decision procedures,
     - constraint reasoning,
     - equational reasoning,
     - term rewriting,
     - resolution
     - paramodulation/superposition;

   * strategies and complexity of theorem proving procedures;

   * applications of first-order theorem proving to:
     - program verification,
     - model checking,
     - artificial intelligence,
     - mathematics,
     - computational linguistics.

Previous editions of FTP took place in Schloss Hagenberg, Austria
(1997); Vienna, Austria (1998); St Andrews, Scotland (2000); Valencia,
Spain (2003); Koblenz, Germany (2005); Liverpool, UK (2007), and
Oslo, Norway (2009). For more information about FTP, its scope and
previous workshops, please, see


Paper Submissions
   Authors are invited to submit papers in the following three

   * Extended abstracts of up to 15 pages, describing original results,
     work in progress, or future directions of research.

   * System descriptions of up to 10 pages, describing new systems or
     significant upgrades of existing ones, especially including
     experiments; sources and manuals of systems will have to be
     freely available online.

   * Presentation-only papers, describing work recently published
     or submitted (no page limit).  These will not be included in the 
     proceedings, but pre-prints or post-prints can be made available to 
     participants.  We see this as a way to provide additional access to 
     important developments that FTP Workshop attendees may be unaware of.

   Authors are encouraged to use LaTeX and the standard article
   class/style file (10pt or 11pt).  The first page should contain the
   title, the authors' names, e-mail and postal addresses.

   Submissions should be made via Easychair at the following address:


   Submissions will be reviewed by at least two referees, possibly
   more, and will be evaluated on their significance, technical merit,
   and relevance to the workshop.


   Accepted submissions will be published as CEUR Workshop Proceedings
   and will be distribted at the workshop.

   As for the previous editions of FTP, a journal special issue is
   planned after the workshop.  The submission will be open to papers
   on First-Order Theorem Proving.

Important Dates
Paper submission deadline (all categories):   Monday,   9 May  2011

  -- But please submit an abstract as soon as possible!

Notification of acceptance/rejection:         Monday,  30 May  2011
Final version due:                            Thursday, 9 June 2011
Workshop:                                     Monday,   4 July 2011

Invited Speakers

Maria Paola Bonacina

Program Committee 
Martin Giese 	                (Oslo, Norway) [Chair]
Roger Antonsen        	        (Olso, Norway)
Peter Baumgartner	        (NICTA, Canberra, Australia)
Bernhard Beckert 	        (Koblenz, Germany)
Maria Paola Bonacina	        (Verona, Italy)
Ullrich Hustadt   	        (Liverpool, UK)
Reiner Hähnle 	                (Chalmers, Sweden)
Katsumi Inoue                   (NII, Tokyo, Japan)
Tudor Jebelean 	                (RISC, Linz, Austria)
Konstantin Korovin 	        (Manchester, UK)
Hans de Nivelle          	(Wroclaw, Poland)
Jens Otten 	                (Potsdam, Germany)
Nicolas Peltier 	        (CNRS, Grenoble, France)
David A. Plaisted 	        (Chapell Hill, USA)
André Platzer             	(CMU, Pittsburgh, USA)
Silvio Ranise 	                (FBK, Trentino, Italy)
Michaël Rusinowitch       	(INRIA, Nancy, France)
Renate A. Schmidt 	        (Manchester, UK)
Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans  	(MPII, Saarbrücken, Germany)

Further information
   For regular updates about the workshop organization, please, visit
   the FTP 2011 web page:


   For contacting the PC chair, please, send an email to
   Martin Giese, martingi[AT]ifi.uio.no (substitute [AT] with "@").

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