[Om-announce] Call For Participation: TCS 2012

Michiel Helvensteijn michiel.helvensteijn at cwi.nl
Mon Jun 25 16:52:40 CEST 2012

Call for Participation:

We are pleased to inform you that you can now register for TCS 2012:


===== General Info =====

The 7th IFIP Conference on Theoretical Computer Science 2012
September 26 - 28, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

The conference Theoretical Computer Science, which is held every two
years, either in conjunction or in the framework of the IFIP World
Computing Congress, is the meeting place of the TC1 community where
new results of computation theory are presented and more broadly experts
in theoretical computer science meet to share insights and ask questions
about the future directions of the field.

TCS Website: http://tcs.project.cwi.nl

TCS 2012 is associated with The Alan Turing Year 2012

Previous conferences of this series were held in Sendai (2000), Montreal
(2002), Toulouse (2004), Santiago (2006), Milano (2008), Brisbane (2010).

===== Venue =====

TCS 2012 will be held at the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI),
Amsterdam (http://www.cwi.nl), The Netherlands.

===== Invited Speakers =====

Rajeev Alur
Yuri Gurevich
Jiri Wiedermann

===== Accepted Papers =====

The list of accepted papers is available at:


===== Organisation =====

General chair:

Jos Baeten (http://www.cwi.nl/people/630)

PC co-chairs:

Tom Ball (http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/people/tball/) and
Frank de Boer (http://homepages.cwi.nl/~frb/)

PC committee:

Ahmed Bouajjani
Ana Cavalcanti
Peter Grünwald
Joseph Kiniry
Peter Mueller
David Naumann
Susanne Graf
Juraj  Hromkovic
Martin Kutrib
Aart Middeldorp
Jan Juerjens
Ugo Montanari
Catuscia Palamidessi
Jeff Shallit
Jan Rutten
Davide Sangiorgi
Igor Walukiewicz
Jim Woodcock
Leen Torenvliet

Local Organization:

Susanne van Dam
Michiel Helvensteijn
Hans Hidskes
Joost Winter
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