[Om-announce] [fm-announcements] NASA/NIA PVS Class 2012

MUNOZ, CESAR (LARC-D320) cesar.a.munoz at nasa.gov
Tue May 15 19:35:51 CEST 2012

NASA/NIA PVS Class October 9-12, 2012

The Formal Methods teams at the NASA Langley Research Center and the
National Institute of Aerospace are offering a short course on the PVS
theorem prover in the fall of 2012. The class will take place October 9-12
in Hampton, Virginia:


The course is offered free of charge as a public service to the formal
methods community. The class is open to all interested individuals.
However, seats are limited and all attendees must register at


We emphasize a hands-on, immersion-style learning approach. Both
lecturematerial and in-class exercises using PVS are featured. For this
we strongly encourage attendees to bring a laptop equipped to run PVS. All
the instructors are members of the NASA Langley Formal Methods group and
expert PVS users. The PVS Class 2012 will feature a technical lecture and
an invited talk by Sam Owre, one of the creators of PVS and its main

For more information, please contact

  Cesar Munoz (Cesar.A.Munoz at nasa.gov),
  Anthony Narkawicz (Anthony.Narkawicz at nasa.gov)

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