[Om-announce] Springer Computing Special Issue: Models and Protocols for Digital Ecosystems - Call for Papers

Fulvio Frati fulvio.frati at unimi.it
Thu Sep 27 10:07:17 CEST 2012

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                                                               Call for

                Special Issue on Models and Protocols for Digital Ecosystems

                                               Springer Computing Journal





Digital Ecosystems are an emerging paradigm capturing the behavior of 

large-scale collaborating communities on the global ICT infrastructure. 

Such behavior includes critical features like dynamicity of coalitions, 

different data access paradigms (including the ones known as “big data”), 

vulnerability to new types of attacks and support for innovative value 

generation and sharing.


This special issue is open to researchers from both academia and industry 

working on the Digital Ecosystem paradigm.


Topics of interest include:

1. Models for the design, verification, and validation of functional and 

   non-functional features of ecosystem coalitions.

2. Protocols and interaction techniques suitable for large-scale ecosystem 


3. Design and access frameworks for ecosystem "big data" layers.

4. Value and revenue models for business ecosystems.


Contributions are sought on novel theoretical approaches, as well as on 

practical experiences and experimental results regarding Digital Ecosystems.


* Important Dates

- December 15th, 2012: Paper Submission Deadline

- January 15th, 2013: Paper Notification

- February 28th, 2013: Submission of Revised Manuscript

- March 30th, 2013: Final Decision

- April 30th, 2013: Final Paper Due

- Mid-2013: Tentative Publication Date


* Guest Editors

- Prof. Ernesto Damiani

  Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy

  Email: ernesto.damiani at unimi.it 


- Prof. Achim P. Karduck

  Hochschule Furtwangen, Germany

  Email: achim.karduck at hs-furtwangen.de 


- Prof. Moataz A. Ahmed

  King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia

  Email: moataz at kfupm.edu.sa 


* Paper Submission

Papers submitted to this special issue for possible publication must be

and must not be under consideration for publication in any other journal or 

conference. Previously published or accepted conference papers must contain 

at least 30% new material to be considered for the special issue. All papers

to be submitted directly to Editorial Manager

All manuscripts must be prepared according to the journal publication
guidelines that 

can also be found on the journal website

Papers will be reviewed following the journal standard review process.


Please address inquiries to ernesto.damiani at unimi.it 



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