[Om-announce] Call for Position Papers: 2013 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems

fedcsis2013 conf fedcsis2013 at gmail.com
Sat May 25 13:46:14 CEST 2013


2013 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems
Krakow, Poland, 8-11 September, 2013

The FedCSIS 2013 Federated Conference invites submissions of POSITION
PAPERS to its respective events. Position papers must not exceed 6 pages
and they should relate to an ongoing research or experience. Time allowed,
position papers will be presented by the authors alongside regular papers.
Alternatively, they will be placed in the category of POSTER PAPERS
available for viewing and discussions. Position papers may be also
submitted as DEMO PAPERS and presented as demonstrations of software tools
and products. They should describe non-for-profit software tools in a
prototype-, alpha-, or beta-version.


- EMERGING RESEARCH PAPERS present preliminary research results from
work-in-progress based on sound scientific approach but presenting work not
completely validated as yet. They must describe precisely the research
problem and its rationale. They must also define the intended future work
including the expected benefits from solution to the tackled problem.

- CHALLENGE PAPERS propose and describe research challenges in theory or
practice of computer science and information systems. The papers in this
category must be based on deep understanding of existing research or
industrial problems and should be defining new promising research


Position papers will be published as a SEPARATE ELECTRONIC VOLUME, WITH AN
ISBN. These papers will NOT be placed in the IEEE Digital Library and will
NOT be submitted to Thomson Reuters Web of Science. However, they will be
submitted to other indexing engines.

Authors should submit a position paper in English, carefully checked for
correct grammar and spelling, using the on-line submission procedure. The
guidelines for paper formatting provided at the conference website ought to
be used for all submitted papers. The preferred submission format is the
same as the camera-ready format. Please check and carefully follow the
instructions and templates provided. Papers that are out of the conference
scope of the selected event, or that contain any form of (self)plagiarism
will be rejected without reviews. All position papers will be refereed
before inclusion in the conference program.

Position papers submissions: June 7, 2013
Position papers accept/reject decisions: June 17, 2013
Submissions of camera-ready papers: July 8, 2013
Conference date: September 8-11, 2013

Chairs of FedCSIS Conference Series
Maria Ganzha, Leszek A. Maciaszek, Marcin Paprzycki

Contact FedCSIS at:
secretariat at fedcsis.org

FedCSIS on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/groups/367888070292/
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