[Om-announce] nuXmv 1.0.0 has been released

nuXmv Staff nuxmv at list.fbk.eu
Wed Feb 19 16:17:08 CET 2014

The Embedded Systems Unit at Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy
is happy to announce the availability of

    nuXmv 1.0.0

nuXmv is a new symbolic model checker for the analysis of synchronous
finite-state and infinite-state systems.

nuXmv extends NuSMV along two main directions:

* for the finite-state case, nuXmv features a strong verification
  engine based on state-of-the-art SAT-based algorithms

* for the infinite-state case, nuXmv features SMT-based verification
  techniques, implemented through a tight integration with MathSAT5.

nuXmv is currently licensed in binary form, for non-commercial or
academic purposes.

Inquiries about other usages of nuXmv should be addressed to

	  nuxmv at list.fbk.eu

The list of nuXmv users is open for registration and discussion

          nuxmv-users at list.fbk.eu

Visit http://nuxmv.fbk.eu/ for more detailed information and download.

Other useful links:

* Feature requests and bug reports: https://nuxmv.fbk.eu/bugs
* Frequently asked questions: http://nuxmv.fbk.eu/index.php?n=Faq.Home

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