[Om-announce] SDTA’14 : First Symposium on Digital Trust in Auvergne, France

sebastien.salva sebastien.salva at udamail.fr
Fri Nov 21 14:17:26 CET 2014

[Apologies for duplicates]


First Symposium on Digital Trust in Auvergne  (SDTA’14)
December 4-5, 2014, Clermont-Ferrand, Auvergne, France

Website: http://confiance-numerique.clermont-universite.fr/SDTA-2014/

Aims and Scope

The Symposium on Digital Trust in Auvergne is a scientific gathering 
that aims at exchanging and discussing the current and future needs for 
trusting the digital environment. The digital information is invading 
our everyday life at a fast rate and what we used to do using solid 
objects is now made possible using digital technology. Security issues 
related to dematerialized documents, money, identities, transactions, 
etc. will be exposed by researchers. Industrials are also invited to be 
part of this event and to present their current solutions and future 
trends in the digital trust domain.

The topics include, but are not limited to:
• Network Security
• Security Protocols
• Security of Communications
• Security Models
• Formal Methods for Security
• Software Security
• Digital Identity
• Authentication
• Trust and Privacy
• Security Policies
• Cryptographic Algorithms
• Intrusion Detection

General Chair
Pascal Lafourcade, LIMOS, France

Program Committee
Cédric Bouhours, LIMOS, France
Gérard Chalhoub, LIMOS, France
Farrukh Aslam Khan, CoEIA, KSA
Pascal Lafourcade, LIMOS, France
Jean-Louis Lanet, XLIM, France
Cédric Lauradoux, INRIA, France Wissam Mallouli, Montimage, France
Yuxin Mao, Zhejiang Gongshang University, China
Michel Misson, LIMOS, France
Alain Quilliot, LIMOS, France
Olivier Raynaud, LIMOS, France
Sébastien Salva, LIMOS, France
Pedro García Teodoro, University of Granada, Spain
Christian Toinard, LIFO,  France
Damien Vergnaud, LIENS, France Fatiha Zaidi, LRI, France
Mohamad Badra, Zayed CNRS
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