[Om-announce] ICC 2015 SAC: Nanoscale, Molecular, and Quantum Networking Track

Shui Yu shuiyucfp at gmail.com
Wed Sep 3 02:50:39 CEST 2014

ICC 2015 SAC: Nanoscale, Molecular, and Quantum Networking Track

We apology for possible cross posting


 *Scope and Topics of Interest *

As a result of recent advances in MEMS/NEMS and systems biology, as well as
the emergence of synthetic bacteria and lab/process-on-a-chip techniques,
it is now possible to design chemical “circuits”, custom organisms,
micro/nanoscale swarms of devices, and a host of other new systems at small
length scales, and across multiple scales (e.g., micro to macro). This
success opens up a new frontier for interdisciplinary communications
techniques using chemistry, biology, and other principles that have not
been considered in the communications literature.

This track is devoted to the principles, design, and analysis of
communication systems that use physics beyond classical electromagnetism,
particularly for small-scale and multi-scale applications. This includes:
molecular, quantum, and other physical, chemical and biological (and
biologically-inspired) techniques; as well as new communication techniques
at these scales.

The track solicits research articles on one or more of the following topics:

·         Mathematical modelling

·         Information/communication-theoretic or network-theoretic analysis

·         Networking

·         Implementations and laboratory experiments

·         Industrial applications

·         Information/communication theory for analysis of biological

·         Communication processes or networks in biology

Contributions on related topics would also be considered for publication.
Contributions from researchers outside the IEEE’s typical audience are

*Submission Guidelines*

Prospective authors are invited to submit original technical papers by the
deadline 30 September 2014 for publication in the IEEE ICC 2015 Conference
Proceedings. All submissions should be written in English with a maximum
paper length of Six (6) printed pages (10-point font) including figures
without incurring additional page charges (maximum 1 additional page with
over length page charge if accepted).

*Standard IEEE Transactions templates for Microsoft Word or LaTeX formats
found at*


*Alternatively you can follow the sample instructions in template.pdf at*


*Only PDF files will be accepted for the review process and all submissions
must be done through EDAS at*


Any inquiries are welcomed to the chair Professor *Andrew W. Eckford,*
aeckford at yorku.ca



Shui YU, PhD, Senior Lecturer

School of Information Technology, Deakin University,

221 Burwood Highway, Burwood, VIC 3125,  Australia.

Telephone:0061 3 9251 7744

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