[Om-announce] CFP - Security Symposium at IEEE Globecom 2015

Peter Mueller pmu at zurich.ibm.com
Fri Mar 6 21:10:14 CET 2015

IEEE Globecom 2015 - San Diego, CA, USA - 6-10 December 2015

Call for Papers for

Communication & Information System Security Symposium

Sponsoring Technical Committees: 
Communications and Information Security Technical Committee
Communications Software Technical Committee

Symposium co-Chairs:
Peter Mueller,IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, Switzerland
Yang Yang, ShanghaiTech University, China

Scope and Motivation:
As communication and information systems become more indispensable to the 
society, their security has also become extremely critical. This symposium 

welcomes manuscripts on all aspects of the modeling, design, 
deployment, and management of security algorithms, protocols, 
and systems. Furthermore, contributions devoted to the evaluation, 
optimization, or enhancement of security and privacy mechanisms for 
technologies, as well as devising efficient security and privacy solutions 

for emerging areas, from physical-layer technology up to cyber security, 
are solicited.

Main Topics of Interest:
The Communication & Information Systems Security Symposium seeks original 
contributions in the following topical areas, plus others that are not 
explicitly listed but are closely related:
- Anonymous communication, metrics and performance
- Attack, detection and prevention
- Authentication protocols and key management
- Availability and survivability of secure services and systems
- Biometric security: technologies, risks, vulnerabilities, 
  mobile template protection
- Cloud, data center and distributed systems security
- Computer and network forensics
- Cryptography for network security
- Cyber security
- Digital rights management
- Firewall technologies
- Formal trust models, security modeling, and design of secure protocols
- Information systems security and security management
- Internet security and privacy
- Malware detection and damage recovery
- Network security metrics and performance
- Operating systems and application security
- Physical security and hardware/software security
- Post-quantum network security
- Privacy and privacy-enhancing technologies
- Security and privacy for mobile and wireless networks
- Security for cloud computing and networking
- Security for mobile and wireless networks
- Security for next-generation networks
- Security in virtual machine environments
- Security tools for communication and information systems
- Trustworthy computing
- Wired systems and optical network security

Important Dates:
- Manuscript submission: April 1, 2015
- Notification:          July 1, 2015
- Final manuscript:      September 1, 2015
- Conference date:       December 6-10, 2015

How to Submit a Paper:
Direct link to the security symposium submission page on EDAS.

Alternatively, the IEEE Globecom 2015 website provides full instructions 
how to submit papers. You will select the desired symposium when 
The paper submission deadline is April 1, 2015:

Yang Yang & Peter Mueller
Symposium Chairs
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