[Om-announce] [CFP] CrossFyre 2017

Cristina Onete cristina.onete at gmail.com
Mon Feb 6 13:56:18 CET 2017

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Call for Papers: International Workshop on Cryptography, Robustness, and
Provably Secure Schemes for Female Young Researchers (CrossFyre) 2017.

Co-located with the IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy 2017
and EuroCrypt 2017 in Paris, France. CrossFyre 2017 will be held on April
29-30, 2017 at UPMC Campus Jussieu.

The CrossFyre Workshop aims to bring female researchers in the fields of
cryptography and information security together to promote their research as
women in computer science and engineering. We hope to encourage a tighter
cooperation across women in different security-related disciplines, and
motivate joint papers. In this spirit, female researchers are invited to
attend and give a short presentation about their research at the CrossFyre

We also welcome undergraduate students to this workshop, and strongly
encourage supervisors to support their students’ active (submitting
abstracts and giving talks during the workshop) or passive (mainly
listening) participation.

Disclaimer: Though this workshop primarily aims to bring women together to
discuss their career opportunities, network, and exchange experiences, the
workshop does *not* discriminate against men. Male researchers are also
encouraged to attend.



   Two keynote talks.

   Participants introducing themselves; selected fields in cryptography and
   information security will be briefly outlined.

   A plenary discussion on positions and perspectives of women in
   information security research.

   Social events (reception and dinner).

Important Information:


   Some grants will be awarded to students who will present their work and
   are least able to attend. Visit the registration page
   for further information: http://crossfyre17.gforge.inria.fr/index.html.

   CrossFyre 2017 will be co-located with Euro S&P 2017 and Eurocrypt 2017.
   Thus, a small registration fee will apply. Please ensure to inform us
   whether you would like this fee to be waived when you apply for the
   workshop grants.

Important Dates:

All deadlines are Anywhere on Earth (AoE: UTC - 12h).

Abstract submission deadline: Friday, Feb. 24, 2017.

Grant application deadline: Friday, Feb. 24, 2017.

Notification: Friday, Mar. 3, 2017.

Registration deadline: Friday, Mar. 31, 2017.

Announcement of program: Friday, Apr. 7, 2017.

CrossFyre 2017 Workshop: Apr. 29-30, 2017.

Please send your abstracts to r.abu-salma at cs.ucl.ac.uk.

Organizing Committee:

Ruba Abu-Salma, University College London (UCL), UK.

Katerina Mitrokotsa, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden & ETHZ,

Veelasha Moonsamy, Radboud University, The Netherlands.

Cristina Onete, University of Rennes 1, France.

For further information, please contact r.abu-salma at cs.ucl.ac.uk.
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