[om] Bindings / Sparse Linear Algebra and Distributions / Optimization

Mika Seppala Mika.Seppala at fsu.edu
Mon Apr 17 13:24:46 CEST 2000


In the example below, you might really want to have

Forall x.  x in R => sin(x) <= 1.  -)

-----Original Message-----
From:	David Carlisle [SMTP:davidc at nag.co.uk]
Sent:	Monday, April 17, 2000 6:46 AM
To:	om at openmath.org; leo at iems.nwu.edu
Subject:	Re: [om] Bindings / Sparse Linear Algebra and Distributions / Optimization


 someone (correctly) pointed out that the
example could be improved. As it currently appears it is the correct
OpenMath expression for

forall x .  sin(x) < 1

but since this is false unless there is some implied context that x is a
real number, the example probably should say

forall x .  x in R => sin(x) < 1

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