[om] RE: 'Better' sidebar to OpenMath web site (correction)

Jimmy Cerra jimbofc at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 21 22:52:18 CEST 2002

Dumb me.  Here's the real URL of a purposed updated menu.html


Sorry. :-/

Jimmy Cerra

-----Original Message-----
From: Jimmy Cerra [mailto:jimbofc at yahoo.com]
Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2002 4:50 PM
To: 'om at openmath.org'
Subject: 'Better' sidebar to OpenMath web site

Hey all.  I was looking at the HTML for the navigation sidebar to the web site.
It doesn't look very standards-compliant or accessible to me, so I re-wrote it!

Here's the URL: http://www.openmath.org/menu.html

The new design imitates the old layout as much as possible.  Unlike the original
page however, it uses a logical markup (as opposed to presentational markup
using tables); it uses style sheets to separate style and content; and my design
is more accessible to older browsers / (partially) disabled web surfers (2).

Jimmy Cerra

1:= The frame with the URL = http://www.openmath.org/menu.html

2:= It more closely follows the W3C accessibility guidelines, found here:

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