[om] A Proposal for extending OpenMath with XML annotations

mriem at win.tue.nl mriem at win.tue.nl
Fri Aug 16 13:26:42 CEST 2002

Hi all,

> We need to be able to include non OpenMath XML in an OpenMath object.
> [ 
>   From a forward-looking perspective, we see that it will be 
>   important to be able to include XML data from other sources, 
>   not just MathML, in OpenMath objects. The approach of the "altenc" 
>   cd is too primitive (converting the XML to strings, e.g. 
>   "<sin/>") because it does not allow tools to manipulate 
>   the XML data. 
> ]

Mmmm, well, I would say it still allows tools to manipulate the
XML data only with one level of indirection. The MathML is just
data from the OpenMath perspective and that way it keeps the
standard clean.

Answer to question 1:

In a sense this discussion is more about the OpenMath XML DTD
than for OpenMath at the object level. So if this is really 
needed I would propose to let <OMSTR> ... </OMSTR> be able to 
hold any data.

This would not break backwards-compatibility and the libraries
could just add a method to set/get the data to/from the OMString 
as XML.

So the examples given would then be:

          <OMS cd="xml" name="MathML-Presentation"/>
          <OMSTR> <mrow> <mo>sin</mo> &ApplyFunction; <mn>1</mn> </mrow>
       <OMA> <OMS cd="transc1" name="sin"/> <OMI>1</OMI> </OMA>

Note however that the entity reference here has to be resolved
as this would introduce another problem. This because the 
standard explicitly forbids them (OMStd Sect. 4.1.1).


RIACA - http://www.riaca.win.tue.nl                   HG 9.38
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven                 Postbus 513
mriem at win.tue.nl                            5300 MB Eindhoven
+31-40-2474797                                The Netherlands
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