[om] MathML draft Notes available for review

Bill Naylor Bill.Naylor at mcs.vuw.ac.nz
Fri Jul 25 08:26:33 CEST 2003


I have just read the Note "Units in MathML", I must say that there is a
lot more to the area than I had appreciated!

Stan, is it envisaged that these notes will become a part of the MathML
standard, or will they be part of a sort of MathML add-on, if the former,
then I guess that the MathML compliance core CD group should be extended
to cover units, if the later, it would still be good to have the OpenMath
units conform to the MathML ones. So it seems that the (rather naive) way
in which they are treated in units_imperial1 and units_imperial2 should be
altered to allow arguments, similar to the way in which for example
'contexts' are added to the MathML definitionURLs. This might also be a
way of deaing with multiplication factors.

I think it is important to make units precise in OpenMath, since I have
heard the example of the Mars lander fiasco used quite a few times as a
reason for OpenMath. If units are not made precise in OpenMath, then this
sort of destroys that reason!



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