[om] Bad bugs in trig CD

Bill Naylor Bill.Naylor at mcs.vuw.ac.nz
Wed Nov 5 04:52:02 CET 2003

> I don't think that this is actually a bug (maybe an inconsistancy in
> A & S), section 4.3 has specific subsections (viz. 4.3.1 - 4.3.6) which
> are labelled 'Definitions',  and I take it that these are the definitions
> that transc1 refers to.

I notice that all of the symbol definitions in transc1 are of the general

"this symbol represents the blah function as described in A & S section 4.?"

would it not be more accurate (and correct) to have a definition more

"this symbol represents the blah function as described in A & S section 4.?.?"

and point to the specific definition subsection in A & S.

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