[om] Bad bugs in trig CD

Michael Kohlhase m.kohlhase at iu-bremen.de
Wed Nov 5 08:26:24 CET 2003


I am not sure that this warrants the efforts, If I remember correctly 
the DLMF will be released this year, so it would be better to change the 
  definitions to that (given that the functions are the same), and then 
we will have a totally different notion of referencing anyway.


Bill Naylor wrote:

>>>I don't think that this is actually a bug (maybe an inconsistancy in
>>>A & S), section 4.3 has specific subsections (viz. 4.3.1 - 4.3.6) which
>>>are labelled 'Definitions',  and I take it that these are the definitions
>>>that transc1 refers to.
>>I notice that all of the symbol definitions in transc1 are of the general
>>"this symbol represents the blah function as described in A & S section 4.?"
>>would it not be more accurate (and correct) to have a definition more
>>"this symbol represents the blah function as described in A & S section 4.?.?"
>>and point to the specific definition subsection in A & S.
> The above is supposed to be a question to the general OpenMath community.
> If the concensus is "yes it would be worthwhile" I will be happy to make
> the changes and submit this to David Carlisle for installation.
> I await responces :-)
> Bill
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    Prof. Dr. Michael Kohlhase,         Office: Research 1, Room 62
    Professor for Computer Science      Campus Ring 12,
    School of Engineering & Sciences    D-28758 Bremen, Germany
    International University Bremen     tel/fax: +49 421 200 3140/3103
    http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~kohlhase     e-mail: 
<m.kohlhase at iu-bremen.de>
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