[Om] ILSC 2006 Workshop

Olga Caprotti olga.caprotti at helsinki.fi
Mon Jul 10 12:46:42 CEST 2006

Intelligent Learning with Symbolic Computation

Satellite workshop to AISC 2006
Beihang University, Beijing
23 September 2006

        Call for Papers and for Software Demonstrations

This workshop intends to explore and discuss the growing field of
application of Symbolic Computation in eLearning for providing and
supporting intelligent tutoring in the sciences. By carefully using
the functionalities and capabilities of symbolic computation systems,
it is nowadays possible to produce learning environments where
intelligent dialogs take place with students. These dialogs are based
on the analysis and manipulation of the answers in order to give
meaningful feedback that enhances the learning experience. Lecturing
material can adapt to the level of the student by choosing appropriate
examples and exercises generated using algorithmic
templates. Moreover, interactivity can be included in the online
lecture notes by interfaces to symbolic computation engines.

Both developers and users of learning environments which show this
kind of intelligence based on the usage of underlying symbolic
computation software are invited to attend the workshop and share
their experiences.

Topics of interest include:

    * Intelligent tutoring with Symbolic Computation and Artificial
    * Design issues for Symbolic Computation systems used in eLearning
    * Automated Feedback with Symbolic Computation and Artificial
    * Students Assessment with Symbolic Computation and Artificial
    * Algorithmic exercise generation
    * Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation 
      systems for eLearning
    * Case studies and classroom experiences

Full papers should be at most 15 pages long.  Extended abstracts for
software demonstrations should be at most 5 pages long.

The style guide of the proceedings is Springer Lecture Notes in
Computer Science . All contributions should be submitted, preferably
as PDF or Postscript, using the web submission process at
http://www.easychair.org/ILSC2006/, or in exceptional cases to the
Chair along with a cover letter indicating that the reviewers comments
have been integrated and that the submission has not been published or
submitted elsewhere.

Electronic proceedings of the workshop will appear on this site and
the publication of a print volume with selected invited contributions
is planned. The volume will be a joint proceeding collection with
selected papers from SCE 2006 (http://www.cc4cm.org/sce2006/).

Important Dates

    * Submission deadline: 20 August, 2006
    * Notification of acceptance: 31 August, 2006
    * Final version of paper: 14 September, 2006 

Workshop Chair
Olga Caprotti,
University of Helsinki,
Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics

Program Committee
Paul Libbrecht, DFKI, Germany
Chris Sangwin, U. Birmingham, UK
Paul Wang, ICM/Kent, USA
Wolfgang Windsteiger, RISC-LInz, Austria

Local Organization
Dongming Wang, Beihang University, China and UPMC-CNRS, France
Wei Niu, Beihang University, China

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