[Om] More CD inconsistencies

Professor James Davenport jhd at cs.bath.ac.uk
Tue Nov 4 23:02:30 CET 2008

On Tue, November 4, 2008 6:40 pm, Christoph LANGE wrote:
> On Tuesday 04 November 2008 17:20:44 David Carlisle wrote:
>> > How should we handle these cases?
>> If they are experimental CDs and wrong, just fix them in place, bumping
>> the minor version number.
> Those CDs with wrong CDURLs were all experimental, so I did as you said.
> I was not sure how to treat the case when there is an external URL such as
> some tue.nl URL -- should these be changed to
> http://www.openmath.org/cd/CDNAME.ocd?
I believe that the answer is YES: by being on the OM website,even
experimental, the reference copy is now the OM copy.
> BTW, that work flow of increasing the version number is interesting.  How
> about adding support for it to the wiki?  It would be fairly easy to
> implement
> an automatic incrementation as follows:
> * on every edit, the CDRevision is incremented
> * on every change of the CDVersion, the CDRevision is set to 0.
Looks plausible.
> Note that I have only touched standard CDs so far.  The CDURLs of the
> contributed ones are even crazier.
Again, once they are contributed to OM, they should have OM URLs.

James Davenport
Hebron & Medlock Professor of Information Technology
Formerly RAE Coordinator and Undergraduate Director of Studies, CS Dept
Lecturer on CM30070, 30078, 50209, 50123, 50199
Chairman, Powerful Computing WP, University of Bath
OpenMath Content Dictionary Editor
IMU Committee on Electronic Information and Communication

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