[Om] Questions about representing units

Christoph LANGE ch.lange at jacobs-university.de
Sat Feb 21 22:34:25 CET 2009

Hi Mike,

  thanks for your update!

On Saturday 21 February 2009 22:15:22 mdt22 at bath.ac.uk wrote:
> I am currently taking on the project titled: Development of an
> extensible OpenMath-based unit converter.

Which means continuing Jonathan's project, or starting over from scratch?
(I'm just curious; actually it doesn't matter, as I'm interested in the

> At the moment i am about 2 weeks into the implementation and have
> almost finished getting the system working with command line, then the
> next stage for me is to get it working as a web service and hence
> getting the two ends talking to one another (this sounds like
> something u are trying to achieve to!).

In a way -- except that our client is not a unit conversion client but a
library that is embeddable into mathematical web documents (XHTML containing
MathML and OpenMath) and makes web services usable in these documents.

> Hopefully in the next couple of weeks there will be a web version
> accessible to all (i'll let you know when its avilable).

Sounds good!  Indeed I'd like to encourage you to announce it on this mailing
lists, as well as project-mathweb at jacobs-university.de (subscribe at
http://lists.jacobs-university.de/mailman/listinfo/project-mathweb), and
probably others.

> tbh my time is quite limited; at the moment i have just limited the
> input/output units to only converting between matching same dimensions
> as given in the .sts files, also i am finding it hard to get
> speed/accelerations working since they are quite different than
> standard units.

For our current purposes it is sufficient to have a working conversion among
_some_ common units, which is accessible via the web.  We are not engineers,
but also developing research prototypes and demos.  And of course we prefer
OpenMath-powered software over all those non-semantic unit converters out
there ;-)

Thanks for your help!



Christoph Lange, Jacobs Univ. Bremen, http://kwarc.info/clange, Skype duke4701

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