[Om] MKM 2010: Call for Participation

Alan P. Sexton A.P.Sexton at cs.bham.ac.uk
Mon Jun 21 05:35:56 CEST 2010

                        CALL FOR PARTICIPATION
                 The 9th International Conference on

                               MKM 2010


                CNAM, Paris, France, 8th-9th July 2010

as part of CICM 2010 - Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics

Mathematical  Knowledge  Management  is  an innovative  field  at  the
intersection  of mathematics, computer  science, library  science, and
scientific publishing. Its development is  driven, on the one hand, by
new technological possibilities  which computer science, the Internet,
and intelligent knowledge processing offer, and, on the other hand, by
the increasing  demand by engineers and scientists  for new techniques
to   help  in   producing,  transmitting,   consuming,   and  managing
sophisticated mathematical knowledge.

The conference is concerned with all aspects of mathematical knowledge
management. More  information about the  MKM conference series  can be
found at the MKM Interest Group Webpage: http://www.mkm-ig.org/

As  part of the  Conferences on  Intelligent Computer  Mathematics, it
will  be co-located  with the  17th  Symposium on  the Integration  of
Symbolic  Computation and Mechanised  Reasoning (Calculemus  2010) and
the  10th  International  Conference  on Artificial  Intelligence  and
Symbolic  Computation (AISC  2010), and  a number  of workshops  and a
doctoral programme. For more information, see http://cicm2010.cnam.fr/

Registration to the conference is now open and online at


Registration includes  one hard-copy of the  Springer LNAI proceedings
of  the  CICM  conferences   and  one  social  event.  Information  on
accommodation and  travelling is also  available on the CICM  2010 web

For further information:
    Email:   mkm10 at easychair.org
    Website: http://cicm2010.cnam.fr/mkm/

Scientific Programme (MKM 2010)

Invited Talks
- Can we make Mathematics universal as well as fully reliable ?
  Pierre Cartier
- Against Rigor
  Doron Zeilberger

Research papers and presentations
- Smart matching
  Andrea Asperti, Enrico Tassi
- Electronic Geometry Textbook: A Geometric Textbook Knowledge Management System
  Xiaoyu Chen
- An OpenMath Content Dictionary for Tensor Concepts
  Joseph Collins
- On Duplication in Mathematical Repositories
  Adam Grabowski, Christoph Schwarzweller
- Adapting Mathematical Domain Reasoners
  Bastiaan Heeren, Johan Jeuring
- Integrating multiple sources to answer questions in Algebraic Topology
  Jönathan Heras, Vico Pascual, Ana Romero, Julio Rubio
- Towards Automatic Formalization of Informal Mathematics with MathNat
  Muhammad Humayoun and Christophe Raffalli
- sTeXIDE: An Integrated Development Environment for sTeX Collections
  Constantin Jucovschi, Michael Kohlhase
- Proofs, proofs, proofs, and proofs
  Manfred Kerber
- Dimensions of Formality: A Case Study for MKM in Software Engineering
  Andrea Kohlhase, Michael Kohlhase, Christoph Lange
- Towards MKM in the Large: Modular Representation and Scalable Software Architecture
  Michael Kohlhase, Florian Rabe, Vyacheslav Zholudev
- The Formulator MathML Editor Project: User-Friendly Authoring of Content Markup Documents
  Andriy Kovalchuk, Vyacheslav Levitsky, Igor Samolyuk, Valentyn Yanchuk
- Notations Around the World: Census and Exploitation
  Paul Libbrecht
- Evidence Algorithm and System for Automated Deduction: A Retrospective View
  Alexander Lyaletski, Konstantin Verchinine
- On Building a Knowledge Base for Stability Theory
  Agnieszka Rowinska-Schwarzweller, Christoph Schwarzweller
- Proviola: a Tool for Proof Re-animation
  Carst Tankink, James McKinna, Herman Geuvers, Freek Wiedijk
- A Wiki for Mizar: Motivation, Considerations, and Initial Prototype
  Josef Urban, Jesse Alama, Piotr Rudnicki, Herman Geuvers

Co-Located Events

- 17th Symposium on the Integration of Symbolic Computation and 
  Mechanised Reasoning (Calculemus 2010) 
- 10th  International  Conference  on Artificial  Intelligence  and
  Symbolic  Computation (AISC  2010)
- 3rd Workshop on Compact Computer Algebra (CCA)  	
- 3rd Workshop, Towards a Digital Mathematics Library (DML)
- 6th Workshop on Mathematical User-Interfaces (MathUI)
- Workshop on Mathematically Intelligent Proof Search (MIPS)
- 23rd Workshop on OpenMath (OpenMath)
- 4th Workshop on Programming Languages for Mechanized 
  Mathematics Systems (PLMMS)
- Content Math Training Camp with Doctoral Programme (CMTC+DP) 

Social Events

- Conference reception with Wine & Cheese buffet
- Conference Banquet at the "Cafe des Techniques" at the CNAM Museum

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