[Om] Fwd: WIMS'11 Call for Papers

Christoph LANGE ch.lange at jacobs-university.de
Tue May 11 17:40:53 CEST 2010

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Subject: WIMS'11 Call for Papers
Date: Monday 10 May 2010, 19:51:28
From: "WIMS'11" <wims11 at vestforsk.no>
To: "wims11 at vestforsk.no" <wims11 at vestforsk.no>

[Apologies if you receive this more than once]

International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics (WIMS'11)
Sogndal, Norway
May 25-27, 2011

URL: wims.vestforsk.no<http://wims.vestforsk.no>


WIMS'11 is intended to foster the dissemination of state-of-the-art research in the area of Web intelligence, Web mining, Web semantics and the fundamental interaction between them.

Authors are invited to submit full papers on all related areas. Papers exploring new directions or areas will receive a thorough and encouraging review. Areas of interest include, but not limited to:

Semantic-driven Information Retrieval
Expressive Document Models
Knowledge Extraction for Building Expressive Document Representation
Matching and Ranking based on Expressive Document Representation
Infrastructure for Semantic-driven Information Retrieval

Semantic Agent Systems
Web-based frameworks and environments for semantic agent systems
Ontology management for agent systems
Semantic agent systems for collaborations
Semantic agent systems for social networks, e-Government,e -Health, and enterprise information systems

Semantic Data Search
Crawling, Storage and Indexing of Semantic Data
Semantic Data Search and Ranking
Data Web Search: Search in Multi-Data-Source, Multi-Repository Scenarios
Dealing with Vague, Incomplete and Dirty Semantic Data
Infrastructure for Searching Semantic Data on the Web

Interaction Paradigms for Semantic Search
Natural Language Interfaces
Keyword-based Query Interfaces
Hybrid Query Interfaces
Visualization of Semantic Data

Evaluation of Semantic Search
Evaluation Methodologies for Semantic Search
Standard Datasets and Benchmarks for Semantic Search
Infrastructure for Semantic Search Evaluation

Linked Data Application Architectures
Crawling, caching and querying Linked Data
Dataset dynamics and synchronization
Linked Data mining

User Interfaces for the Web of Data
Approaches to visualizing and interacting with distributed Web data
Linked Data browsers and search engines

Web Mining
Text Mining
Data Stream Mining
Multimedia Data Mining
Web Content Mining
Web Log and Usage Mining
Context Sensitive Web Mining
Web Information Clustering
Web Page Clustering and Mining

Ubiquitous Intelligence
Ubiquitous and Social Computing
Search in Social Media
Human Computation and Social Games
Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis
Social Monetization and Computational Advertising
Visualising social network data

Semantic Deep Web
Ontology plug-in search
Information extraction from the Deep Web
Semantic Deep Web annotation and indexing
Deep Web-based ontology
Semantic Deep Web crawlers
Semantic Deep Web data fusion
Semiautomatic ontology generation
Metrics for quality of ontology
Similarity measures for ontology alignment

Intelligent e-Technology and Semantic Web
Semantics for managing Business data
Intelligent Enterprise Portals
Semantics in Digital Libraries
Semantic driven tutoring systems
Semantic processing in e-Finance
Semantic processing in e-Health
Semantic processing in e-Science
Semantic processing in e-Government
e-Community Decentralized Community Communication Techniques
Web Security, Integrity, Privacy and Trust

Quality of Life Technology for Web Document Access
Web document access for the physically challenged
Web document access for the visually challenged
Web document access for the aurally challenged

The maximum length of papers is at most 12 pages in ACM format. Please note that the submission format is MS Word or PDF. The papers must be written in English and formatted according to the ACM guidelines. Author instructions and style files can be downloaded at


Authors of accepted papers are expected to attend the conference and present their work. Selected extended papers will be invited to appear in a special issues of reputed journals in the field.

Tutorials/Demonstration Proposals:

WIMS'11 also welcomes Tutorial and/or Demonstration proposals. WIMS'11 will include tutorials and/or demonstrations (on new applications) providing in-depth background on subjects that are of broad interest to the Web mining and Web semantics community. Only short (2 hours) tutorials will be considered. The tutorials will be part of the main conference technical program.

Tutorial/demonstration proposals and paper submissions must be made electronically in MS Word or PDF format through the Easy chair submission system at


WIMS'11 Advisory committee & Program committee: http://wims.vestforsk.no/org.html

Important Dates:

Electronic submission of full papers: October 15, 2010
Notification of paper acceptance: January 15, 2011
Registration opens: February 1, 2011
Camera-ready of accepted papers: February 15, 2011
Registration closes: May 10, 2011
Conference: May 25 - 27, 2011

Christoph Lange, Jacobs Univ. Bremen, http://kwarc.info/clange, Skype duke4701
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