[Om] tiny patch to CD XSLT code

David Carlisle davidc at nag.co.uk
Mon Apr 25 23:25:53 CEST 2011

On 25/04/2011 20:22, Christoph Lange wrote:
> Note that in
> http://svn.openmath.org/OpenMath/OpenMath2++/xsl/cd2html-util.xsl  (which
> is an experimental version for "the version after OpenMath 2") I
> recently made a similar change, but using document() instead of
> unparsed-text-available().

why is Mike CC'ed? I removed him from CC list.

I'm sure I must have made that change at some point, but apparently not 
checked in. document() gives system-defined (or in the case of saxon, 
user-defined) behaviour if the file is missing. Better to use 
doc-available() rather than document() or unparsed-text-available().

I've made this change

$ svn commit -m "use doc-available rather than java extension" cd.xsl
Sending        cd.xsl
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 1218.

I left the actual test as it was, although it seems a bit suspect 
looking at it now. It seems to be saying link to a local copy of it is 
there otherwise assume (without checking) that there is a file of the 
right name in the standard CD repository.


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