[Om] Going real with the OpenMath CD Linked Data

Paul Libbrecht paul at hoplahup.net
Wed Jul 27 01:46:27 CEST 2011

The ant script responds:
> java.io.FileNotFoundException: /export/www/webroot/openmath.org/svn.openmath.org/www/cdfiles2/cd/libraries/krextor-xslt/transform-ocd..rdf-xml.xsl (No such file or directory)

pretty easy... the checkout kind of failed.

libraries contains a directory called https: where directories /svn.kwarc.info/repos/swim/projects/krextor are but not file (find . -type f responds nothing).

Are you using externals? This client is still at version 1.0.8 !! It probably does not support that.
I removed that https directory and I let you check in inside here the real files.
The checkout says this:
> Fetching external item into 'libraries/https://svn.kwarc.info/repos/swim/projects/krextor/trunk/src/xslt'
> svn: Unrecognized URL scheme 'krextor-xslt'

(and creates the https:/ directory)

Changing the svn version is a big thing... it basically means changing the server and I think people would speak of a hoster- change.

I tried checking out libraries/krextor, then adjusted the xslt path into build the xml to:
but I still got an XSLT error below. 

The ball is on your side.


PS: would you like to have ssh access on there? It should be negotiatable.

Le 24 juil. 2011 à 23:40, Christoph LANGE a écrit :
> first of all, @Paul: Could you please check what's wrong with my changes 
> to the build.xml?  I don't see http://www.openmath.org/cd/arith1.rdf. 
> However, when I run ant locally (disabling those XSLT tasks that don't 
> work locally because of the XSLT 1.0 vs. 2.0 issue I mentioned 
> previously), the *.rdf files are created in target/site/cdfiles2/cd.  I 
> don't see that any other change to build.xml is required, besides 
> creating the desired files in some subdirectory of "target/site".
> Therefore I assume that something goes wrong on the server.  Could you 
> possibly show me the output or logfile that you are getting when you try 
> to regenerate the homepage?

     [xslt] Loading stylesheet /export/www/webroot/openmath.org/svn.openmath.org/www/libraries/krextor/src/xslt/transform-ocd..rdf-xml.xsl
     [xslt] /export/www/webroot/openmath.org/svn.openmath.org/www/libraries/krextor/src/xslt/extract/util/openmath.xsl:34:46: Fatal Error! java.io.FileNotFoundException: /export/www/webroot/openmath.org/svn.openmath.org/www/libraries/krextor/src/xslt/extract/util/openmath/om2cmml.xsl (No such file or directory) Cause: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /export/www/webroot/openmath.org/svn.openmath.org/www/libraries/krextor/src/xslt/extract/util/openmath/om2cmml.xsl (No such file or directory)
     [xslt] /export/www/webroot/openmath.org/svn.openmath.org/www/libraries/krextor/src/xslt/extract/ocd.xsl:308:96: Fatal Error! XPath syntax error at char 47 on line 308 in {...cdbase-or-default(../@cdbas...}:
     [xslt]     Cannot find a matching 1-argument function named {http://www.openmath.org/OpenMath}cdbase-or-default()
     [xslt] /export/www/webroot/openmath.org/svn.openmath.org/www/libraries/krextor/src/xslt/extract/ocd.xsl:318:95: Fatal Error! XPath syntax error at char 47 on line 318 in {...cdbase-or-default(../@cdbas...}:
     [xslt]     Cannot find a matching 1-argument function named {http://www.openmath.org/OpenMath}cdbase-or-default()
     [xslt] /export/www/webroot/openmath.org/svn.openmath.org/www/libraries/krextor/src/xslt/extract/ocd.xsl:326:102: Fatal Error! XPath syntax error at char 55 on line 326 in {...*/@cdbase)[last()], ../@cd,...}:
     [xslt]     Cannot find a matching 3-argument function named {http://www.openmath.org/OpenMath}symbol-uri()
     [xslt] /export/www/webroot/openmath.org/svn.openmath.org/www/libraries/krextor/src/xslt/extract/ocd.xsl:352:76: Fatal Error! XPath syntax error at char 35 on line 352 in {...tched-symbol(mcd:prototype[...}:
     [xslt]     Cannot find a matching 1-argument function named {http://www.openmath.org/OpenMath}matched-symbol()
     [xslt] /export/www/webroot/openmath.org/svn.openmath.org/www/libraries/krextor/src/xslt/extract/ocd.xsl:357:110: Fatal Error! XPath syntax error at char 62 on line 357 in {...e-or-default($symbol/@cdbas...}:
     [xslt]     Cannot find a matching 1-argument function named {http://www.openmath.org/OpenMath}cdbase-or-default()
     [xslt] /export/www/webroot/openmath.org/svn.openmath.org/www/libraries/krextor/src/xslt/extract/ocd.xsl:362:61: Fatal Error! XPath syntax error at char 20 on line 362 in {om:matched-symbol(.)}:
     [xslt]     Cannot find a matching 1-argument function named {http://www.openmath.org/OpenMath}matched-symbol()
     [xslt] /export/www/webroot/openmath.org/svn.openmath.org/www/libraries/krextor/src/xslt/extract/ocd.xsl:366:127: Fatal Error! XPath syntax error at char 51 on line 366 in {...or-default($symbol/@cdbase)...}:
     [xslt]     Cannot find a matching 1-argument function named {http://www.openmath.org/OpenMath}cdbase-or-default()
     [xslt] /export/www/webroot/openmath.org/svn.openmath.org/www/libraries/krextor/src/xslt/extract/ocd.xsl:418:114: Fatal Error! XPath syntax error at char 67 on line 418 in {.../@cdbase)[last()], @cd, @na...}:
     [xslt]     Cannot find a matching 3-argument function named {http://www.openmath.org/OpenMath}symbol-uri()
     [xslt] Failed to process null

javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException: Failed to compile stylesheet. 9 errors detected.
	at net.sf.saxon.PreparedStylesheet.prepare(PreparedStylesheet.java:176)
	at net.sf.saxon.TransformerFactoryImpl.newTemplates(TransformerFactoryImpl.java:139)

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