[Om] Proposal for Extending OpenMath Standard with a JSON Encoding

Moritz Schubotz physik at physikerwelt.de
Mon Jul 8 10:58:56 CEST 2019

Hi Tom,

two quick question.

1) The name of the attribute "kind" might be confused with the
proposed MathML4 attribute "kind"
https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/80, also
https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/68 Is that something
you are aware of?
2) What are the advantages over a generic http://www.jsonml.org/ or
the custom https://github.com/lurchmath/openmath-js/blob/master/docs/api-reference.md#writingsaving-openmath-objects
(cf. http://mailman.openmath.org/pipermail/om/2018-May/thread.html) ?

http://moritzschubotz.de | +49 1578 047 1397

On Mon, Jul 8, 2019 at 10:08 AM Tom Wiesing <tom.wiesing at fau.de> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Me and Michael would like to propose an extension of the OpenMath standard to endorse an OpenMath JSON Encoding. We have made a pull request at [0] and attached a diffed pdf.
> JSON is a lightweight data-interchange format used heavily in the Web Applications area. Adding a JSON Encoding thus contributes to making OpenMath web-interoperable. The source code for a validator of this proposed encoding, as well as a translator from/to the XML encoding can be found at [1]. It is also accessible via API at [2].
> We presented this encoding during the OpenMath workshop at CICM 2018 (see [3] and [4]), however we were only able to make a concrete standard proposal until now. We are hoping to discuss this during the upcoming OpenMath workshop at CICM 2019 next week, however wanted to send out our proposal beforehand.
> Greetings,
> Tom
> [0] https://github.com/OpenMath/OMSTD/pull/69
> [1] https://github.com/tkw1536/OpenMath-JSON
> [2] https://omjson.openmath.org
> [3] http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2307/paper53.pdf
> [4] https://www.cicm-conference.org/2018/slides/OpMa2.pdf

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