[Om3] Definite Integrals (was Re: [Fwd: MathML CDs])

Professor James Davenport jhd at cs.bath.ac.uk
Thu Jul 5 19:44:27 CEST 2007

On Thu, 5 Jul 2007, Michael Kohlhase wrote:
> I have seen that James introduced symbols for the MathML qualifiers upperbound
> and lowerbound. I do not think that this is a good way of doing things. I
I resent that (only joking, Michael). They ARE in MathML.
> would propose instead to have two definite integration symbols, defint and
> defintbounds (or something like this. The first takes a set as an argument and
> the second two real numbers, they are used thus:
Indeed: defintbounds looks suspiciously like 'interval'.
> <OMA>
> <OMS name="defint" cd="newint"/>
> <OMS cd="sets" name="reals/>
> <OMS cd="fn1" name="lambda"/>
> <OMBVAR><OMV name="x"/></OMBVAR>
> <OMA><OMS cd="specfun1" name="sin"/><OMV name="x"/></OMA>
> </OMA>
Which is precisely the current 'defint'
> for $\int_\RR \sin(x) dx $ in traditional OM representation
Oh - I see, this is a portmanteau of defint and interval, and I am not 
sure i like that.
> <OMA>
> <OMS name="defintbounds" cd="newint"/>
> <OMI>0</OMI>
> <OMI>1</OMI>
> <OMS cd="fn1" name="lambda"/>
> <OMBVAR><OMV name="x"/></OMBVAR>
> <OMA><OMS cd="specfun1" name="sin"/><OMV name="x"/></OMA>
> </OMA>
> for $\int_0^1\sin(x) dx$ in traditional OM representation

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