[Om3] Binding Integral symbols (was [Fwd: MathML CDs])

Michael Kohlhase m.kohlhase at jacobs-university.de
Sun Jul 8 05:44:11 CEST 2007

James, David,

>> I'm not sure why we can't keep the OM symbols for integration  as they
> I was certainly not proposing any CHANGES to the OM symbols, unless any 
> missing FMPs etc crop up in the process. I was proposing to add ones.
I think you are totatlly right here, I also do not want to change them.
>> are, add equivalent symbols in the MML CDs, and then just deal with the
>> fact that Content MathML uses <int><bvar> for indefinite integration
>> which doesn't bind variables in the mapping between this "legacy" syntax
>> and the canonical syntax.
> I could easily add 'binder' version of the MathML definite integrator to the
> CD I circulated earlier. Indeed, it could be argued that OpenMath's 
> definit 'ought' to be a binder anyway.
> What worries me is Michael's claim that MathML will have an indefinite 
> integration which is a binder: this I do not understand.
Sorry for the confusion, I do not really want a binding indefinite 
integral operator. I had been concentrating on the mechanism and not on 
the specific instance.
> One of the other problems is that Math2.0 talks of "the 
> uplimit,lowlimit pair", and makes no mention of what happens if there 
> is only one. The 3.0 draft says that they default to \pm \infty. I had 
> always assumed that they would default to the variable of integration.
I think that we should not have a default, let's make sure that both are 
specified. I think that we can do that, and handle any defaulting 
mechanism in MathML via the legacy conversion.


> James
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 Prof. Dr. Michael Kohlhase,       Office: Research 1, Room 62 
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 skype: m.kohlhase   * International University Bremen until Feb. 2007

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