[Om3] DC metadata for content dictionaries

Christoph LANGE ch.lange at jacobs-university.de
Tue Feb 26 12:30:18 CET 2008

Dear OpenMath 3 developers,

  in the course of the integration of OpenMath into my semantic wiki SWiM, I'm 
currently working on an ontology for content dictionaries (more details to be 
announced separately), and there I'm asking myself how to represent metadata 
for content dictionaries and parts thereof. First of all, I had a look at the 
metadata of CDs as specified in the OM 2 standard. Some of them are quite 
generic, so it makes sense to me to reuse vocabulary from well-known 
ontologies like Dublin Core. I found the following reasonable mappings:

CDName = dc:identifier
Description = dc:description
CDDate = dc:date
CDComment = rdfs:comment

Other properties like CDBase, which are not available in some common external 
ontology, I defined myself. But for those we can use e.g. from DC, wouldn't 
it make sense to use the DC terms in the OpenMath XML markup altogether, and 
to allow the full set of DC (see 
http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-terms/)? There are more interesting 
properties there, such as dateSubmitted, or license, which are not part of 
OM2. The result would then look like this (with proper namespace 

  <dc:description>Arithmetical operators</dc:description>

And now that we are at it, what would you think about allowing these metadata 
for subsections of CDs as well? That is, for CDDefinition, Example, 
Signature, …?



Christoph Lange, Jacobs Univ. Bremen, http://kwarc.info/clange, Skype duke4701

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