[Om3] HTML versions of the OM3 CDs

Michael Kohlhase m.kohlhase at jacobs-university.de
Tue Jan 29 11:08:44 CET 2008

David Carlisle wrote:
>> Yes, I have notice the spurious letters here, 
> accented A are almost always (and are here) a sign that  a UTF 8 file is
> being mis-handled as latin-1.
>> I think we need to have 
>> xml declarations for utf8 in the *.ocd, but I have not done that yet. 
> Ypu never need to decalre utf8 in an XMl file, it's the default, but 
> the html files are being generated in utf8 but served as latin-1 so you
> n need to modify the stylesheet to generate is08859-1 or to modify the
> server to serve html with  declared encoding as utf8.
> Do we really want to serve as text/html? the rendered presenttation
> mathml versiuon will not work in that case you need to generate xhtml an
> serve it as xml rather than xhtml.
thanks for the information. I will get to the bottom of this.

You are right, I will change it to xhtml+MathML, the generated html is 
actually xhtml1.1.
> David
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 Prof. Dr. Michael Kohlhase,       Office: Research 1, Room 62 
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