[Om3] Refactoring cd2html.xsl: where and how is it used?

Christoph LANGE ch.lange at jacobs-university.de
Tue Sep 9 17:00:29 CEST 2008

Dear David,

  having a deeper look into cd2html.xsl, parts of which I want to integrate
into the SWiM wiki at wiki.openmath.org, I realise that I will have to
refactor the stylesheet.  Is it OK if I do so?  (Or should I rather copy
everything?) I would just have to put part of the functionality into imported
XSLTs, named templates or functions to allow for easier overriding.

Now it would be good to know how to test if I have not broken anything.  Am I
right that cd2html.xsl is currently only used for generating the *.xhtml files
in OpenMath3/cd/MathML?  (Then testing would be easy.)

Here is part of what I need to make overridable for SWiM:

* the handling of metadata (mainly in the CD header): they are stored
  separately from the XML version of the CD (but restored on export, of
  course) and inserted by an extension function on rendering
* the formula rendering: as you know, we use a different renderer, implemented
  in Java, which is also called by an extension function.
* the JavaScript: I'd like to put this into an external file, as it will be
  referenced differently in SWiM.  (There, the output of cd2html.xsl would be
  embedded into an existing section of a larger HTML page.)



Christoph Lange, DERI Galway/Jacobs Univ. Bremen, http://kwarc.info/clange

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