[Om3] OpenMath Symbols for Symbolic Computation

Paul Libbrecht paul at activemath.org
Wed Sep 17 23:52:18 CEST 2008


I have not been criticizing the CD making or even itself but just the  
fact that these are called *matrices*...
Why did you not call these linear-morphisms or something of this sort?

I find matrix1 fully misleading.


Le 17-sept.-08 à 13:58, Peter Horn a écrit :

> That's the ground ring. BTW: matrix1 is not mine but it was developed
> by all parties involved in SCIEnce, that is GAP, KANT, MuPAD and
> Maple. We looked to find what we need and defined it accordingly. So
> It's not the work of a bored PhD student but of a group of people that
> want to USE OpenMath for computational purposes. :)

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