[Om3] Editing in the wiki works (really!)

Christoph LANGE ch.lange at jacobs-university.de
Thu Sep 25 19:07:37 CEST 2008

Dear all,

  I've fixed the remaining bugs in the editor.  No more data should be
destroyed.  That is, you can now start editing.  As a first step, I strongly
recommend that you familiarise yourself with the system by playing a bit with
the "test CD" linked from the main page (at the end of the list of CDs).  See
below for editing the real CDs, please don't do it before Jakob has done some

Metadata are now alternatively available in the document editor -- not yet
really nice, in particular there is no easy support for adding additional
fields (but you can try copy/paste and carefully replace the existing values),
and the editing widget does not yet display the metadata fields as nicely as I
would like it.

Also consider the new feature of opening any fragment of a CD as a separate
wiki page (see my previous mail): That allows you to navigate straight to the
fragment that you want to edit.  (The "references" tree on the right side
still works.)

== Important notice about editing the real CDs ==

For the big step of editing the first actual CD via the wiki I asked Jakob for
help, i.e. for checking that everything goes right.  Anything that you do
before is at your own risk, i.e. at the risk of digging into svn diffs to
check if nothing was broken.  While from the tests with my toy CD I'm somewhat
confident that the wiki doesn't break anything, it could still happen with a
large CD.  But as the XML will be completely reformatted on the first edit
with the wiki, a text-based svn diff is not useful to verify that everything
has gone right.  So, Jakob will carefully examine an XML diff of the first
edit of every CD with the wiki.  (BTW, do you know any good XML diffs?  Here
is one, http://www.logilab.org/projects/xmldiff/ , but that doesn't have a
diff-compatible syntax and therefore doesn't integrate into the svn client.)



Christoph Lange, DERI Galway/Jacobs Univ. Bremen, http://kwarc.info/clange

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