[Om3] Complex Variables

Michael Kohlhase m.kohlhase at jacobs-university.de
Thu Jul 30 08:27:06 CEST 2009

On 29.07.2009 18:14 Uhr, Robert Miner wrote:
> On the issue of having the cd/name attributes, my understanding was this
> pair comprised an "annotation key" that specified the role of the
> annotation.  I think Michael's point was he wanted something more
> specific for the role other than "alternative representation" which is
> the default when the annotation key attributes aren't there.  He was
> suggesting introducing a new sub role called "complex variable".
That is exactly what I meant, thanks for translating.

> I want to carefully re-read ch5 before committing myself.  We should all
> try to look at Ch 5 before the call tomorrow.
> --Robert
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: member-math-request at w3.org [mailto:member-math-request at w3.org]
> On
>> Behalf Of David Carlisle
>> Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2009 4:24 AM
>> To: om3 at openmath.org; member-math at w3.org
>> Subject: Re: Complex Variables
>> Michael,
>>> Problem1: I remember that David and I talked about just making the
>> first
>>> form part of strict content MathML, and I had thought that we
> decided
>> to
>>> do that for convenience,
>> Srict content mathml doesn't allow element content of ci. I suspect
>> you were thinking about allowing the type attribute in strict
>>> Problem 2: 5.3.2 says that " The value of the |encoding| attribute
>> may
>>> contain a media type that identifies the data format
>>> for the encoding data."
>>> So it should really be
>>>              <annotation-xml encoding="|application/mathml-
>> presentation+xml|">
>> No, the sentence after the one you quote explictly says to use
>> MathML Presentation
>>    For example, Section 6.2.3 Names of MathML Encodings identifies the
>>    strings MathML, MathML Presentation, and MathML Content as
> predefined
>>    values for the encoding attribute that may be used to identify
> MathML
>>    markup
>> actually the sentence in ( Attributes) does need to be adjusted
>> a
>> bit now that there is a proposal to have a mime type for presentation
>> mathml, to make it clear that the existing usage of using the name
>> MathML Presentation takes precedence.
>>> Problem 3: the<annotation-xml>  element in the example does not have
>> @cd
>>> and @name attributes. But I think we really should have them.
>> Otherwise
>>> they default to alternative-representation from the mathmlkeys CD.
>> But
>>> this seems to be too weak to key the intended behavior of a
>> presentation
>>> engine, namely to use the pMahtML directly.
>> I don't understand this comment. The default presentation of an
>> objected annotated with "presentation mathml" is that presentation.
>> I don't see how a cd attribute would effect the default presentaion at
>> all (although of course a particular renderer may be affected by any
>> markup changes), Perhaps it should have a cd otherwise I assume
>> mathmlkes:alternate-representation will get used, but this doesn't
>> seem too bad actually, and in any case, doesn't affect the
>> presentation.
>>    When a Presentation MathML annotation is provided, a MathML renderer
>> may
>>    optionally use this information to render the MathML construct. This
>>    would typically be the case when the first child is a MathML content
>>    construct and the annotation is provided to give a preferred
>> rendering
>>    differing from the default for the content elements.
>>> But do we really want to have the enclosing math tag around the
>>> <msup>?
>> All examples in MathML2 didn't have enclosing math (or enclosing
>> when mathml or openmath is used as annotations. I think that's the
>> correct convention.
>> David
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  Prof. Dr. Michael Kohlhase,        Office: Research 1, Room 62
  Professor of Computer Science  Campus Ring 1,
  Jacobs University Bremen           D-28759 Bremen, Germany
tel/fax: +49 421 200-3140/-493140  skype: m.kohlhase
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