[Om3] [project-jomdoc] Real-time ntn rendering in the MathML editor Gemse

Christoph LANGE ch.lange at jacobs-university.de
Mon Feb 1 23:34:45 CET 2010

Hi Urs,

[crossposting OpenMath 3, as the OpenMath 3 *.ntn files were affected]

2010-01-31 20:31 Urs Holzer <urs at andonyar.com>:
> I found the source of all those bracket problems. Its neither Gemse's
> nor JOMDoc's fault. Its the notation definitions bundled with JOMDoc.
> They include those fences:
> ...
>         <m:mo mcd:egroup="fence" fence="true">(</m:mo>
>         <iterate name="args" precedence="700">
>           <separator><m:mo mcd:cr="fun">≡</m:mo></separator>
>           <render name="arg"/>
>         </iterate>
>         <m:mo mcd:egroup="fence" fence="true">(</m:mo>
> And many more similar notations.
> The mistakes are also present in
> http://svn.openmath.org/OpenMath3/cd/MathML/logic1.ntn

thanks for spotting these – I hope I have now fixed all of them.  The
multiset1 and set1 CDs were also affected.

@JOMDoc developers:  Please deploy a new bleeding edge that includes this fix.



Christoph Lange, Jacobs Univ. Bremen, http://kwarc.info/clange, Skype duke4701
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