[Om3] Initializing OM3 at 2013 Process

Michael Kohlhase m.kohlhase at jacobs-university.de
Tue Oct 1 09:51:09 CEST 2013

On 1.10.13 09:47, James Davenport wrote:
> Thanks for this.
> Quoting Michael Kohlhase <m.kohlhase at jacobs-university.de>:
>> Dear all,
>> the summer is over, and the dust of the new semester (for me) has 
>> somewhat settled, so we should get on with our mandate to look at 
>> extension of OM2, possibly with a view towards an OpenMath 3 
>> standard. I have attached JHD's meeting minutes; here are the
> Manybe this should replace the ld text at the start of the TRAC, not 
> least since "last year" is bound to 2010 not 2012.
Yes, that is correct, I was just looking at the TRAC, the text needs to 
be renovated, but the contents (and the proposed process for that 
matter) can be re-used.
>> [...]
>> Some of these issues are already raised (and discussed in the TRAC at 
>> http://trac.mathweb.org/OM3 I propose to just adopt the TRAC as an
> That may be true, but it's hard to find. Can you start a meta-ticket 
> with cross-references to the relevant items?
that is a good idea. But I am amazed at the things that are still on the 
TRAC. I still have to grock all of them.
>> open resource for discussion and planning. Everyone interested is 
>> invited to make an account at 
>> https://trac.mathweb.org/register/register and tell me the account 
>> name (please no funny characters and blanks) and I will give you 
>> permissions. I expect that we will have to clean up some obsolete 
>> issues, and resolve the rest. Furthermore, we should collect all 
>> change proposals out there and put them onto the TRAC, so that we can 
>> work them off.
> I have an account (jhd).
you already have developer permissions from last time.

>>> He therefore proposed a Standards Extension Committee, to meet and 
>>> deliver an opinion
>>> before the OpenMath Meeting 2014 (at CICM 2014 in Coimbra). This 
>>> proposal was carried.
>>> DPC noted that MathML was proposed by W3C to be “elevated” to ISO 
>>> standards, with the
>>> process to start in 2013 already. This might impose some time 
>>> constraints, though it was
>>> not totally obvious precisely which these were at this stage.
>>> Membership MK, DPC, JHD, LH, CL, CAR, JWK. the Committee was given 
>>> the power to co-opt.
>>> Working The Committee should work via an open mailing list, and 
>>> Skype calls.
>> We should also have a kick-off skype meeting; would next week suit 
>> (generally, I will set up a doodle).
> Yes, but not Wednesday.
> James Davenport
> Hebron & Medlock Professor of Information Technology,
> University of Bath
> OpenMath Content Dictionary Editor
> Director of Studies EPSRC Doctoral Taught Course Centre for HPC
> IMU Committee on Electronic Information and Communication
> Trustee, Council and Engineering & Science Board, British Computer 
> Society
> SW Coordinator, Computing at School Network of Excellence
> Federal Council, International Federation for Computational Logic

  Prof. Dr. Michael Kohlhase,        Office: Research 1, Room 168
  Professor of Computer Science  Campus Ring 1,
  Jacobs University Bremen           D-28759 Bremen, Germany
  tel/fax: +49 421 200-3140/-493140  skype: m.kohlhase
  m.kohlhase at jacobs-university.de http://kwarc.info/kohlhase

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