[Om3] homework, describing a definition for n-ary plus

Jan Willem Knopper j.w.knopper at tue.nl
Thu Jun 5 17:47:02 CEST 2014

  NOTATION: arith1.plus is <OMS cd='arith1' name='plus'/>

  This is a example description of an n-ary plus, defined based on a
binary plus (for which I use homework2.plus2).

  homework1.function_with_arguments describes an n-ary function which
can be defined by allowing access to the arguments in a single variable
(by an OMBIND). Several computer languages have a keyword or accessor to
get to an array of arguments (Javascript, GAP).

  homework1.length returns the length of an argument sequence/list

  homework1.first returns the first argument of an argument sequence/list

  homework1.rest returns a new argument sequence/list containing all but
the first argument.

  homework1.argument_sequence is implied (argument list)
  real question

  is the idea that I describe an n-ary function with a new cd good
enough for all applications ?

  regardless of whether we need it for this definition it might be good
to have some new kind of apply function that calls a function with the
arguments in a list (list1.list ?).

  will it be good enough to do this in a cd as well,



  is it possible to do correct types for this, or will this run into
problems ?

  Any other comments ?

  <OMS cd='arith1' name='plus'/>
    <OMS cd='homework1' name='function_with_arguments'/>
      <OMV name='arguments'/>
        <OMS cd='prog1' name='if'/>
        <!-- 0 arguments: 0 -->
          <OMS cd='relation1' name='eq'/>
            <OMS cd='homework1' name='length'/>
            <OMV name='arguments'/>
          <OMS cd='prog1' name='if'/>
          <!-- 1 arguments: value -->
            <OMS cd='relation1' name='eq'/>
              <OMS cd='homework1' name='length'/>
              <OMV name='arguments'/>
            <OMS cd='homework1' name='first'/>
            <OMV name='arguments'/>
            <OMS cd='prog1' name='if'/>
            <!-- 2 arguments: plus2 on first two arguments -->
              <OMS cd='relation1' name='eq'/>
                <OMS cd='homework1' name='length'/>
                <OMV name='arguments'/>
              <OMS cd='homework2' name='plus2'/>
                <OMS cd='homework2' name='plus2'/>
                  <OMS cd='homework1' name='first'/>
                  <OMV name='arguments'/>
                  <OMS cd='homework1' name='first'/>
                    <OMS cd='homework1' name='rest'/>
                    <OMV name='arguments'/>
              <OMS cd='prog1' name='if'/>
              <!-- more than 2 arguments: recursive -->
                <OMS cd='arith1' name='plus'/>
                  <OMS cd='homework2' name='plus2'/>
                    <OMS cd='homework1' name='first'/>
                    <OMV name='arguments'/>
                    <OMS cd='homework1' name='first'/>
                      <OMS cd='homework1' name='rest'/>
                      <OMV name='arguments'/>
                  <OMS cd='homework1' name='rest'/>
                    <OMS cd='homework1' name='rest'/>
                    <OMV name='arguments'/>

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