OpenMath Draft Standard: New Release

David Carlisle davidc at
Wed Apr 21 15:41:25 CEST 1999

The Esprit Open Math Consortium is pleased to announce a second release
of the Draft OpenMath Standard available (as compressed postscript and pdf)
from this site:

This document attempts to incorporate all the comments and revisions
agreed when the first draft was reviewed at the 11th OpenMath meeting in
Tallahassee, Florida last November, as well as other improvements
resulting from work of the Esprit project.

In addition to the standard document itself are supporting documents
describing Type systems for OpenMath (A formal type system based on the
Extended Calculus of Constructions, and a new more light weight `Small
Type System' that has been developed specifically for OpenMath).

The above URL also has links to the current versions of the OpenMath
Content Dictionaries. These Content Dictionaries have not been changed
for this release, but we do expect to release updated versions in the
near future.

David Carlisle

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