[om-a] Just Published! Three Books
Mohamed Fayad
fayad at cse.unl.edu
Thu Oct 7 06:52:23 CEST 1999
Enclosed please find a brief description of my most recent published three
books on Application Frameworks.
Sorry for duplicate messages.
--------------------- B O O K I
Just Published -- Volume One of Three:
The first experience-based guide to building object-oriented frameworks
Building Application Frameworks: Object-Oriented Foundations of Framework
Mohamed Fayad, Douglas Schmidt & Ralph Johnson
New York: John Wiley & Sons
September 1999
ISBN# 0-471-24875-4
688 Pages
By providing reusable skeletons on which to build new applications, frameworks
can save you countless hours and thousands (even millions) of dollars in
development costs. Written and edited by some of the top names in the object-
oriented programming world, this is the first complete study of building
frameworks. Using examples drawn from successful implementations world-wide, it
walks you through all the steps of a framework development project. Providing
guidance on all key technical and business issues surrounding framework
construction, it covers:
* Techniques for developing, integrating, and adapting frameworks
* Leveraging existing design and code
* Framework selection and utilization
* Tracking, controlling, and documenting framework development
* Maintaining, measuring, and controlling framework quality
* Training developers in the effective use of frameworks
* Evaluation and framework investments
__________________________ B O O K II
Just Published -- Volume Two of Three:
A gold mine of enterprise application frameworks
Implementing Application Frameworks: Object-Oriented Frameworks at Work
Mohamed Fayad, Douglas Schmidt & Ralph Johnson
New York: John Wiley & Sons
September 1999
ISBN# 0-471-15012-1
752 Pages
Cloth/CD ROM (700 MB)
While frameworks can save your company millions in development costs over
time, the initial investment can be quite high. This book/CD-ROM package
helps you to reduce the cost of framework development by providing 40
case studies documenting the experiences framework builders and users at
major corporations and research labs, world-wide. Throughout, the authors
extract important lessons and highlight technical and organizational
implementation practices that have been proven to yield the biggest pay
off. Focusing primarily on business systems and agent-based application
frameworks, it covers frameworks for:
* Data processing
* Agent-based applications
* Artificial Intelligence applications
* Object-oriented business processes
* System application frameworks
* Programming languages and tools
* And much more
The enclosed CD-ROM gives you:
* Example frameworks
* Documentation and manuals
* Framework code and implementation tips
* Sample framework architectures and models
* Design patterns and presentations
* Animated demonstrations
-------------------------- B O O K III
Just Published -- Volume Three of Three:
An invaluable collection of domain-specific frameworks
Domain-Specific Application Frameworks: Experience by Industry
Mohamed Fayad & Ralph Johnson
New York: John Wiley & Sons
October 1999
ISBN# 0-471-33280-1
736 Pages
Cloth/CD ROM (650+ MB)
Frameworks provide generic software architectures that can be reused,
indefinitely, to generate new applications. But they don't readily
translate from one business or industry domain to another. A
telecommunications framework looks very different from a currency trading
framework, for instance. Developers need instruction on how to build
frameworks specific to the domains they program for. Now, this
book/CD-ROM package gives them models-and much more. Each chapter is
built around a case study reporting a major framework implementation or
customization project. The 30 examples it contains cover an array of
application domains, including:
* Flexible manufacturing architectures
* Computer integrated manufacturing
* New generation control systems
* Concurrent engineering
* Reliable distributed computing
* High-performance web servers
* Multimedia telecommunications
* Networking and telecommunications
* Industrial visualization
* And many others
The enclosed CD-ROM gives you:
* Examples frameworks
* Documentation and manuals
* Framework code and implementation tips
* Sample framework architectures and models
* Design patterns and presentations
* Animated demonstrations
For more information please check the following web sites:
Computer Literacy:
Barnes & Noble:
M. Fayad
Mohamed E. Fayad, Ph.D. Ph: (402) 472-2615
J.D. Edwards Professor Fax: (402) 472-7767
Computer Science & Engineering E-mail: fayad at cse.unl.edu
College of Engineering m.fayad at computer.org
University of Nebraska, Lincoln fayadm at acm.org
108 Ferguson Hall, P.O. Box 880115 URL:
Lincoln, NE 68588-0115 http://www.cse.unl.edu/~fayad
J.D. Edwards Honor Program
+ Editor-in-Chief - IEEE CS Press (95-97)
+ Communications of the ACM: Advisory Board Member & Columnist
+ Al-Ahram (The Egyptians Newspaper) - Columnist
+ The Lead author and Editor of:
1. "Transition to Object-Oriented Software Development"
John Wiley & Sons, August 1998.
2. "Building Application Frameworks: OO foundations of Frame-
work Design" John Wiley & Sons, September 1999.
3. "Implementing Application Frameworks: OO Frameworks
at work" John Wiley & Sons, September 1999.
4. "Domain-Specific Application Frameworks: Experience by
Industry" John Wiley & Sons, October 1999.
5. "Object-Oriented Enterprise Frameworks" John Wiley & Sons,
Oct. 2000
6. "Software Stability" John Wiley & Sons, Dec. 2000
Current Editorials:
1. IEEE Software Theme Issue on Software Engineering in-the-Small
2. OOPSLA '99 - 1st Workshop on Software Stability
3. OOPSLA '99 - 1st Workshop on Enterprise Frameworks
4. OOPSLA '99 - OO Distributed Computing: From Theory to Practice
5. NSF US-Egypt Workshop on Information Technology - 2000
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