[om-a] FMOODS 2000 Submission Deadline Extension

Fmoods Mailbox fmoods at Steam.Stanford.EDU
Tue Feb 29 23:22:08 CET 2000

Due to a number of requests for extension, the submissions deadline for
FMOODS 2000 is being extended by two weeks.  

The new and final deadline is March 15.
See below for pointers to more details.


                               Call for Papers

                                 FMOODS 2000

              IFIP TC6/WG6.1 Fourth International Conference on

          Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems

              Stanford University , Stanford, California, USA
                             September 6-8, 2000


Important Dates

*** 15th March 2000 Submission deadline
    30th April 2000Notification of acceptance
    23rd May 2000  Camera ready copy for participants proceedings due


Electronic Information

   * The conference home page is found at http://www.ics.uci.edu/~fmoods2000
     The full CFP can be  found here.
   * Conference-related email should be addressed to
     fmoods2000 at cs.stanford.edu
   * Submission information can be found at


Electronic Submission

Electronic submission of papers is solicited. Instructions can be found at
or can be obtained by sending email with subject 
            submission  information
to the address fmoods-subm at steam.stanford.edu.
An ascii version of the form and instructions can also be 
found directly at the url above.

There are two means for submission -- using the web form found at the
above url, or by emailing the form with the ps file following
the FILE: field marker.  (Don't forget the EndOfForm marker!)

Please pay careful attention to filling out the short submission form
as the parser expecting a fairly rigid format.   

NOTE that the web-form is only designed to work with Netscape.  And
the parser will be confused and reject your submission if you use
a mailer the wraps the ps file with attachment info and/or encodes it.

If you fail to meet the parsers requirements, please send the 
CAREFULLY filled out submission form with the ps file attached somehow
to fmoods at steam.stanford.edu and someone will help.  


Instructions to the Authors

Authors are invited to submit full original research papers, up to 16 pages
(including bibliography), 12 point, single spaced, including an informative
abstract, names and affiliations of all authors, and a list of keywords
facilitating the assignment of papers to referees.


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