[om-a] MKM 2001 Program

MKM2001 fpiroi at risc.uni-linz.ac.at
Fri Aug 24 16:06:52 CEST 2001

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                            CALL FOR PARTICIPATION
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                                  MKM 2001
      First International Workshop on Mathematical Knowledge Management


                              OpenMath Workshop

            RISC, A-4232 Schloss Hagenberg, September 24-26, 2001



Mathematical Knowledge Management is an exciting new field in the
intersection of mathematics and computer science.

We need efficient, new techniques  -  based  on  sophisticated  formal
mathematics and software technology - for taking fruit of the enormous
knowledge available in current mathematical sources and for organizing
mathematical knowledge in a new way.

The Workshop  should  bring  together  math researchers,  software
developers, publishing companies,  librarians, math societies, and
teachers for exchanging their views and approaches and for pushing 
the field.

Whereas the workshop is designed to provide a forum for discussion
and  presentation of early ideas, the special issue is a forum for
polished,  refereed papers in the area  of  mathematical knowledge
management.  Participation and presentation of talks and papers is
possible in both the workshop  and  the special issue,  jointly or


              |  MKM 2001 - Program  |

            +--- Monday, September 24 ---+

    8:30- 9:00   registration

    9:00- 9:15   welcome

    9:15-10:00   William M. Farmer     A Formal Framework for
                  (invited talk)       Managing Mathematics
   10:00-10:30   break

   10:30-11:00   Till Mossakowski      Heterogeneous Logics for
                                       Mathematical Knowledge
   11:00-11:30   Michael Kohlhase      Using Logic Morphisms for
                                       Language Independence in
                                       Mathematical Knowledge Bases
   11:30-12:00   Jim Caldwell, Stuart  Interactive Digital Libraries
                 Allen, Bob Costable   of Formalized Algorithmic
   12:00-12:30   Christoph             Designing Mathematical
                 Schwarzweller         Libraries Based on Minimal
                                       Requirements for Theorems
   12:30-14:00   lunch

   14:00-14:30   Piotr Rudnicki,       Mathematical Knowledge
                 Andrzej Trybulec      Management in Mizar
   14:30-15:00   Adam Grabowski        Robbins Algebra vs. Boolean
   15:00-15:30   Andrea Asperti        Mathematical Knowledge
                                       Management in HELM
   15:30-16:00   break

   16:00-16:30   Peter Baumgartner     Automated Deduction Techniques
                                       for the Management of
                                       Personalized Documents
   16:30-17:00   Cristoph Benzmueller  Using a Blackboard Architecture
                                       for Assertion Application in
                                       Proof Planning
   17:00-17:30   Manasi Athale,        Exchange of Mathematical
                 Rahul Athale          Information in the Web: Present
                                       and Future

            +--- Tuesday, September 25 ---+

    9:00- 9:45   Gerhard O. Michler    A Prototype of a Linked,
                  (invited talk)       Searchable Digital Mathematical Library        
    9:45-10:15   break

   10:15-10:45   Therese Hardin        Mathematical Knowledge
                                       Management in Foc
   10:45-11:15   Carlo Traverso        Managing Concrete Knowledge in
                                       Commutative Algebra
   11:15-11:45   Bruno Buchberger      Mathematical Knowledge
                                       Management Using Theorema
   11:45-12:15   Koji Nakagawa         The Role of Logicographic Symbols
                                       for Mathematical Knowledge Management
   12:15-13:45   lunch

   13:45-14:15   Ludovic Meunier,      Automatically Generated
                 Bruno Salvy           Encyclopedia of Special Functions
   14:15-14:45   Andrew Adams          Using Real Number Theorem 
                                       Proving to Support Maths Table
   14:45-15:15   Paul Cairns,          On Dynamically Presenting a
                 Gow Jeremy            Topology Course
   15:15-15:45   break

   15:45-16:15   Jonathan Borwein,     The Work of the CEIC
                 Martin Gr?tschel      
   16:15-16:45   Wolfram Sperber,      Mathematical Knowledge
                 Roland Schwaernzl     Management and Math-Net:
                                       Semantics, Visualization and
                                       Internationalization of Math-Net
   16:45-17:15   Terry Stanway         Changing Needs and Expectations
                                       in Mathematical Knowledge
                                       Management: from GHH and
                                       Littlewood to XML and Maple
   20:00         Workshop Dinner

            +--- Wednesday, September 26 ---+
        Joint Program with the OpenMath Workshop

    9:00- 9:45   Stephen Watt          Title to be announced
                  (invited talk)       
    9:45-10:15   break

   10:15-10:45   Martijn Oostdijk,     Certified and Portable
                 Olga Caprotti,        Mathematical Documents from
                 Herman Geuvers        Formal Contexts
   10:45-11:15   James H. Davenport    Mathematical Knowledge
   11:15-11:45   William Arthur Naylor Meta Style Sheets for the
                                       Conversion of Mathematical
                                       Documents into other Forms
   11:45-12:15   Mike Dewar,           Mathematical Software:
                 D. Carlisle           the Next Generation?
   12:15-13:45   lunch

   13:45-14:00   G. Stork              European Funding Possibilities
   14:00-14:45   Daniel Loizier        The NIST Digital Library of
                 (invited talk)        Mathematical Functions Project
   14:45-15:15   Bruce Miller          Technical Aspects of the Digital
                                       Library of Mathematical Functions:
                                       Dreams and Realities
   15:15-15:45   break
   15:45-16:15   Giovanna Albano, G.   Modelling for Understanding of
                 Gargiulo, S. Salerno  Scientific Knowledge
   16:15-16:45   Rudolf Wille          Conceptual Knowledge Systems
                                       for Mathematics
   16:45-17:15   Francky Trichet       Contribution of the Ontology
                                       Engineering to Mathematical
                                       Knowledge Management
   17:15-18:00   Panel discussion


General Information and Registration at


Early Registration deadline is August 31, 2001.

Workshop Organizers:

    Bruno Buchberger (General Chair)
    Olga Caprotti (Managing Chair)

International Program Committee:
    Andrea Asperti (University of Bologna, Italy)
    Jonathan Borwein (Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada)
    Bruno Buchberger (RISC-Linz, Austria)
    Alan Bundy (University of Edinburgh, Scotland)
    Ingo Dahn (University of Koblenz, Germany)
    James Davenport (University of Bath, UK)
    Gaston Gonnet (ETH Z?rich, Switzerland)
    Therese Hardin (LIP6, Paris, France)
    Heinz Hauffe (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
    Michiel Hazewinkel (CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
    Clemens Heine (Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, Germany)
    Hoon Hong (North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC)
    Tetsuo Ida (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
    Patrick D. F. Ion (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI)
    Michael Kohlhase (Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA)
    Peter Michor (ESI, Vienna, Austria)
    Peter Paule (RISC-Linz, Austria)
    Carlo Traverso (University of Pisa, Italy)
    Andrzej Trybulec (University of Bialystok, Poland)
    Bernd Wegner (Technical University of Berlin, Germany)
    Eric W. Weisstein (Wolfram Research, Inc., Champaign, IL)
    Werner Winiwarter (SCCH, Hagenberg, Austria)

Local Organization
    Betina Curtis    <bcurtis at risc.uni-linz.ac.at>
    Christian Vogt   <vogt at risc.uni-linz.ac.at>
    RISC, A-4232 Schloss Hagenberg 
    Fax: +43 732 2468 9930


    NIST, National Institite of Standards and Technology
    SCCH, Software Competence Center Hagenberg
    European Commission, OpenMath Thematic Network (IST-2000-28719)
    European Commission, Calculemus Thematic Network 
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