[om-a] OpenMath meeting in Nice

Marc Gaetano Marc.Gaetano at sophia.inria.fr
Thu Dec 13 13:46:42 CET 2001

Dear all,

According to the majority preference, the workshop will take place on 
Saturday and Sunday 2-3 March 2002. I would like to suggest the following 
provisional rough schedule for the meeting:

Saturday March 2

09:30 - 09:45  Welcome

09:45 - 12:45  Session I

12:45 - 14:30  Lunch

14:30 - 17:30  Session II

20:00 - ?      Dinner

Sunday March 3

09:30 - 12:30  Session III

12:30          Closing & Lunch

For convenience the workshop will be held in an hotel downtown Nice.

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