[om-a] [Announce] OMDoc (Open Mathematical Documents) Version 1.1
Michael Kohlhase
kohlhase+ at cs.cmu.edu
Sat Dec 29 23:29:44 CET 2001
[Apologies, if you receive this more than once]
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| OMDoc: Open Mathematical Documents! |
| http:/www.mathweb.org/omdoc |
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| OMDoc 1.1 has been released December 29. 2001 |
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OMDoc is a content-based markup format for manipulating, archiving, and
communicating mathematical knowledge on the Internet. It is used as the
basis for mathematical knowledge bases, computer-supported learning
systems, and electronic publishing of mathematical text.
OMDoc is an extension of the OpenMath standard [1] to the document level,
it supplies structured content-markup for mathematical statements (axioms,
theorems, proofs, definitions, texts (mixing formal content with
mathematical text). Furthermore it supplies syntax for a notion of a
structured theory hierarchy known from algebraic specification formalisms
like CASL [2].
Since OMDoc builds on OpenMath and XML, OMDoc can be directly converted
into MathML [3], which can be rendered in Mozilla and IE (via plug-ins).
OMDoc 1.1 is a maintenance release that stabilizes the experiences with
OMDoc 1.0. The changes are mainly non-disruptive in often-used parts
of OMDoc, e.g. adding optional attributes and children. The main new
features are the addition of a new referencing and presentation system
for OMDoc elements and a completely re-written specification document.
To find out more about OMDoc, join the OMDoc mailing list [4] or view [5].
[1] http://www.openmath.org
[2] http://www.brics.dk/Projects/CoFI
[3] http://www.w3c.org/
[4] omdoc at mathweb.org; archived at http://www.mathweb.org/~mailists/omdoc
[5] http:/www.mathweb.org/omdoc
Dr. Michael Kohlhase, School of Computer Science
tel/fax: +1 412 268 5749/6298 Carnegie Mellon University
net: <kohlhase+ at cs.cmu.edu> 5000 Forbes Avenue,
http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~kohlhase Pittsburgh, Pa 15213-3891, USA.
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