[om-a] [janet@w3.org: Mathematical Markup Language Version 2.0 becomes a W3C Recommendation]

David Carlisle davidc at nag.co.uk
Wed Feb 21 20:47:44 CET 2001

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Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 10:40:51 -0500
From: Janet Daly <janet at w3.org>
Organization: World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
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Subject: Mathematical Markup Language Version 2.0 becomes a W3C Recommendation
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Dear Advisory Committee Representative;

W3C is pleased to announce that the Mathematical Markup Language
(MathML) Version 2.0 has become a W3C Recommendation.

Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) Version 2.0
21 February 2001
	David Carlisle (NAG) 
	Patrick Ion (Mathematical Reviews, American Mathematical Society) 
	Robert Miner (Design Science, Inc.) 
	Nico Poppelier (Penta Scope) 
Principal Authors: 
	Ron Ausbrooks, Stephen Buswell, Stéphane Dalmas, Stan Devitt, 
        Angel Diaz, Roger Hunter, Bruce Smith, Neil Soiffer, 
	Robert Sutor, Stephen Watt 

Results of Proposed Recommendation Call for Review

The MathML 2.0 Call for review produced many positive responses from the
Membership, and commitments for support in current and future products.
It is particularly noteworthy that MathML 2.0 already has 17 known
implementations, found in the Implementation and Interoperability
report, at:


There were no substantive objections raised in this review. The comments
received both from the membership and the scientific communities
involved in
the development of MathML 2.0 have been unanimously supportive; it is
the consensus that this is a mature, essential technology.

Description of what Recommendation means

W3C Process Document, Section 5.2


W3C Recommendation 
	A W3C Recommendation is a technical report that is the 
	end result of extensive consensus-building inside and 
	outside of W3C about a particular technology or policy. 
	W3C considers that the ideas or technology specified by 
	a Recommendation are appropriate for widespread deployment 
	and promote W3C's mission 

Excerpted from Status of the Document
	This document has been reviewed by W3C Members and other 
	interested parties and has been endorsed by the Director as a 
	W3C Recommendation. It is a stable document and may be used
        as reference material or cited as a normative reference from 
	another document. W3C's role in making the Recommendation is 
	to draw attention to the specification and to promote its
        widespread deployment. This enhances the functionality and 
	interoperability of the Web. 

        This document has been produced by the W3C Math Working Group 
	as part of the activity of the W3C User Interface Domain. The 
	goals of that W3C Math Working Group are discussed in the W3C 
	Math WG Charter (revised February 2000 from original of 11 
	June 1998). A list of participants in the W3C Math Working Group 
	is available. 

	The MathML 2.0 specification was reviewed extensively during its 
	development, as provided by the W3C Process. During end of that 
	period the W3C Math Working Group members encouraged 
	implementation using the specification and comment on it; a report 
	on Implementation and Interoperability experiences and issues has 
	been made public. It is intended that this will be updated from 
	time to time by the continuing work of the W3C that oversees the 
	MathML 2.0 Recommendation. The W3C Math Working Group maintains 
	a public Web page http://www.w3.org/Math/ which contains further 
	background information. 

	Public discussion of MathML and issues of support through the 
	W3C for mathematics on the Web takes place on the public mailing 
	list of the Math Working Group (list archives). To subscribe 
	send an email to www-math-request at w3.org with the word 
	subscribe in the subject line. 

	Please report errors in this document to www-math at w3.org. The list 
	of known errors in this document is available at	

	The English version of this specification is the only normative 
	version. Information about translations of this document is 
	available at http://www.w3.org/2001/02/MathML2-translations. 

	The MathML 2.0 Recommendation is made available in different 
	formats. In case of a discrepancy between any of the derived 
	forms and that found in the W3C's archive of Recommendations the
	definitive version is naturally the archived Recommendation. 

	A list of all current W3C Technical Reports can be found at 

Please join us in congratulating the Math Working Group on their
significant achievement.

For Tim Berners-Lee, Director, W3C;
Janet Daly, Head of Communications

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